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Anatomy and Injuries of the Shoulder Anatomical Chart

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A detailed chart showing normal anatomy of the Shoulder as well as common injuries. Each illustration is clealy labeled and injuries are textually described. Anatomy and Injuries of the Shoulder illustrates the following normal anatomy: Anterior view showing muscles, bones, liagments, nerves, veins and arterires Anterior view (deep Layer) of the bones, ligaments and mucsle Posterior view, superior and lateral views of the bones of the shoulder Detail of the right shoulder socket Anatomy and Injuries of the Shoulder illustrates and describes the following common injuries: Impingment Syndrome Rotator Cuff Tear Proximal Humeral Fracture Acromioclavicular Separation Bicipital tendonitis Tendon instability Bankart lesion Dislocation of the the humerus Hill Sachs formation Made in the USA. Available in the following versions : 20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587798085 20" x 26" heavy paper ISBN 9781587798078 19-34" x 26" latex free styrene plastic,grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587798092… (plus d'informations)

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A detailed chart showing normal anatomy of the Shoulder as well as common injuries. Each illustration is clealy labeled and injuries are textually described. Anatomy and Injuries of the Shoulder illustrates the following normal anatomy: Anterior view showing muscles, bones, liagments, nerves, veins and arterires Anterior view (deep Layer) of the bones, ligaments and mucsle Posterior view, superior and lateral views of the bones of the shoulder Detail of the right shoulder socket Anatomy and Injuries of the Shoulder illustrates and describes the following common injuries: Impingment Syndrome Rotator Cuff Tear Proximal Humeral Fracture Acromioclavicular Separation Bicipital tendonitis Tendon instability Bankart lesion Dislocation of the the humerus Hill Sachs formation Made in the USA. Available in the following versions : 20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587798085 20" x 26" heavy paper ISBN 9781587798078 19-34" x 26" latex free styrene plastic,grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587798092

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