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Beneath His Silence par Hannah Linder

Beneath His Silence (édition 2022)

par Hannah Linder (Auteur)

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3814670,170 (4.13)Aucun
"Second daughter of a baron--and a little on the mischievous side--Ella Pemberton is no governess. But the pretense is a necessity if she ever wishes to get inside of Wyckhorn Manor and attain the truth. Exposing the man who killed her sister is all that matters. Lord Sedgewick knows there's blood on his hands. Lies have been conceived, then more lies, but the price of truth would be too great. All he has left now is his son--and his hatred. Yet as the charming governess invades his home, his safe cocoon of bitterness begins to tear away. Could Ella, despite the lingering questions of his guilt, fall in love with such a man? Or is she falling prey to him--just as her dead sister?"… (plus d'informations)
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As someone who greatly enjoys Regency fiction, I was excited to try this new to me author. I really liked the suspense and mystery in the novel as it easily held my attention. The story flows very well and I had trouble putting it down! The book twists unexpectedly a few times and keeps the mystery alive in the story. The chapters are relatively short and I don’t think I would have minded a bit more descriptions here and there. I really liked Ella as she is tenacious and courageous, but also cares deeply for those she loves. I was invested in her from the very first page. Lord Sedgewick is the perfect brooding hero, too. The spiritual theme of forgiveness is well woven into the novel. I really enjoyed this novel and I highly recommend it to those who love Regency fiction! I am excited to read more by this author!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing, courtesy of Austen Prose Tours with Laurel Ann Nattress. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. ( )
  lifeofliterature | Dec 28, 2022 |
Beneath His Silence by Hannah Linder is a Regency stand-alone novel. Ella Pemberton poses as a governess to gain access to Wyckhorn Manor in the hopes of exposing the man who killed her sister. Lord Sedgewick loves his son but has a burning hatred for everyone else. Will the new governess change all that? This was a great story of love and forgiveness with a little suspense thrown in. I loved Ella’s adventurous nature and her love of little Peter. This was the first book I’ve read by this author; she did a great job. I’m looking forward to reading more from her.

I received this book from Celebrate-Lit for my honest review. ( )
  KimPotter | Dec 10, 2022 |
Beneath His Silence has such a gorgeous cover! And I was just as absorbed by the story.

I connected with Ella and rooted for her in her quest to find the truth behind her sister’s death. And I walked alongside her as she sorted through the lies. For whatever reason I’ve always enjoyed stories involving a governess, or in this case, one posing as one. (Perhaps it’s my love of Julie Andrews’ character in The Sound of Music.)

The pacing was pretty good, but there are places where it felt a bit slow. And I felt there was a bit too much judginess (I know that’s not a word) for my taste, and some characters didn’t transform as much as I would’ve liked. But overall, I enjoyed the themes of forgiveness and redemption in this story.

#CoverLoverBookReview received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions are 100% mine. ( )
  CoverLoverBookReview | Dec 9, 2022 |
Beneath His Silence, a Christian work of historical fiction, by Hannah Linder, features the second daughter of a baron, Ella, who comes seeking answers about her sister’s death. Assuming the position of governess for Lord Sedgwick’s son provides her with the opportunity to finds the answers she desires. Moreover, she finds herself seeking God and a relationship with Him.

Lord Sedgwick realizes he has blood and his hands, but he also recognizes the truth would hurt more. His love for his son is all that keeps him going.

With conniving women trying to secure a place as Lord Sedgwick’s next wife, secrets that are discovered, and a vicar that interferes, this book kept me reading to find out how it would end. I’m glad I did because the author created a story I loved reading.

So if you enjoy reading Christian works of historical fiction, check out this book for yourself.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own. ( )
  PattiPeanut1992 | Dec 9, 2022 |
4 1/2 stars!

Wow, this was an amazing debut novel and I can’t wait to see what this author does next. Jane Eyre is one of my all time favorites, and this book had all the nods and gothic atmosphere of the beloved Charlotte Brontë classic while providing a unique original twist. Secrets, mystery, murder, romance, and hidden identity made this book a definite page turner.

What happened to Lucy? As the impetuous, somewhat mischievous sister, Ella can find no reason why anyone would want to hurt her good, kind older sister. Determined to avenge Lucy’s death and wreak havoc on the man she blames, Ella formulates a plan to expose the truth when an opportunity presents itself for her to become her nephew’s governess. Having never met her brother-in-law, she easily disguises her name and begins teaching her sweet nephew Peter. What she doesn’t expect is Lord Henry Sedgwick. He’s far from the monster she imagined. He’s a kind, doting father, who’s generous to his tenants and servants, and possess a growing faith in God. It’s hard to believe he killed her sister. But, there are secrets in the house which threaten all that Ella holds dear. Will she discover the truth before it’s too late?

Lord Henry Sedgwick can’t help but be bitter. Every woman in his life has betrayed him including his own mother. His guilt and hatred threaten to destroy every chance for future happiness until a beautiful governess enters his life. Her aloofness and forthright manner draw her to him. He’s intrigued by the one woman who doesn’t seem enamored with his title or judgmental of his past. The more he tries to push her away, the harder it is for him to deny his feelings. But secrets from the past threaten their growing love and when the truth comes crashing down, will she still love him?

This story had so many twists and turns! I don’t want to say anything more because it’s better not knowing too much going in. The characters are complex and intriguing and I loved those moments as Ella and Henry are falling in love. I loved when they practice dancing and go horseback riding. Because of all the secrets, you feel like you’re holding your breath the whole time just waiting for that other shoe to drop. There’re definitely some suspenseful moments that had me hurriedly turning the pages. I also loved the way the author weaves faith into the story.

This is a must read for gothic Regency romance fans! If you enjoy Abigail Wilson or Michelle Griep, you’ll enjoy this story. I received an advanced complimentary copy from CelebrateLit through NetGalley. All opinions are my own and I was not required to provide a positive review. ( )
  Melissas-Bookshelf | Dec 8, 2022 |
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"Second daughter of a baron--and a little on the mischievous side--Ella Pemberton is no governess. But the pretense is a necessity if she ever wishes to get inside of Wyckhorn Manor and attain the truth. Exposing the man who killed her sister is all that matters. Lord Sedgewick knows there's blood on his hands. Lies have been conceived, then more lies, but the price of truth would be too great. All he has left now is his son--and his hatred. Yet as the charming governess invades his home, his safe cocoon of bitterness begins to tear away. Could Ella, despite the lingering questions of his guilt, fall in love with such a man? Or is she falling prey to him--just as her dead sister?"

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