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Ephesians: Discipleship Lessons

par Ralph F. Wilson

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Ephesians will lift your spirit and transform your life. Of all of St. Paul's Epistles, his Letter to the Ephesians is his spiritual masterpiece. Though written from prison in Rome, the first half of the Letter is full of praise and worship, an exalted understanding of Christ and a transcendent view of the Church. He challenges us to leave our lowest selves and inspires us to seek our highest potential in Jesus, seated with him at the right hand of the Father. Here is salvation by grace through faith, as well as the unity and mission of the church. Paul's prayers are amazing in their breadth and scope The second half turns from doctrine to application. He spells out what unity looks like and how gifted ministry functions in the church body. Paul's condemnation of sinful attachments is matched by his conviction that the power of Christ can free us to become like "light in the Lord." He paints a portrait of a loving Christian marriage between believing spouses, and compares it to Christ and his Church. This prison epistle concludes with a challenge to "put on the whole armor of God" and to struggle in prayer for victory. All in all, it is an uplifting, glorious epistle indeed. This book explores Paul's letter in 16 lessons that can be used for personal enrichment, by small groups and classes, and by teachers and preachers for sermon preparation.… (plus d'informations)
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Ephesians will lift your spirit and transform your life. Of all of St. Paul's Epistles, his Letter to the Ephesians is his spiritual masterpiece. Though written from prison in Rome, the first half of the Letter is full of praise and worship, an exalted understanding of Christ and a transcendent view of the Church. He challenges us to leave our lowest selves and inspires us to seek our highest potential in Jesus, seated with him at the right hand of the Father. Here is salvation by grace through faith, as well as the unity and mission of the church. Paul's prayers are amazing in their breadth and scope The second half turns from doctrine to application. He spells out what unity looks like and how gifted ministry functions in the church body. Paul's condemnation of sinful attachments is matched by his conviction that the power of Christ can free us to become like "light in the Lord." He paints a portrait of a loving Christian marriage between believing spouses, and compares it to Christ and his Church. This prison epistle concludes with a challenge to "put on the whole armor of God" and to struggle in prayer for victory. All in all, it is an uplifting, glorious epistle indeed. This book explores Paul's letter in 16 lessons that can be used for personal enrichment, by small groups and classes, and by teachers and preachers for sermon preparation.

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