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His Grace, The Duke

par Emily Rath

Séries: Second Sons (2)

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James Corbin, Viscount Finchley, has two goals. First, guarantee his brother gets married. That path is made smoother now that George is finally engaged. Nothing will stand between George and the altar . . . not even George. Second, James must ensure that his best friend Burke does not get married . . . at least not to the living, breathing gorgon that is Lady Olivia Rutledge. Burke is fully on board with this plan. Together with their friend Renley, the gentlemen concoct an elaborate ruse designed to set Burke free from his matrimonial snare. But as the day of George's wedding draws near, secrets from their past emerge, threatening each of their futures. Can James survive his brother's debauchery? Can Burke survive the social politics threatening to confine him? Can Renley . . . survive? Rosalie Harrow, a young lady without family, fortune, or title, tears through their lives, upending all their careful plans. And she has plans of her own: save Burke from the altar, save Renley from the ghosts that haunt him, and save James from himself. For love of Rosalie, the gentlemen must prove willing to try anything, risk anything, and be anything she needs. Contains mature themes.… (plus d'informations)

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James Corbin, Viscount Finchley, has two goals. First, guarantee his brother gets married. That path is made smoother now that George is finally engaged. Nothing will stand between George and the altar . . . not even George. Second, James must ensure that his best friend Burke does not get married . . . at least not to the living, breathing gorgon that is Lady Olivia Rutledge. Burke is fully on board with this plan. Together with their friend Renley, the gentlemen concoct an elaborate ruse designed to set Burke free from his matrimonial snare. But as the day of George's wedding draws near, secrets from their past emerge, threatening each of their futures. Can James survive his brother's debauchery? Can Burke survive the social politics threatening to confine him? Can Renley . . . survive? Rosalie Harrow, a young lady without family, fortune, or title, tears through their lives, upending all their careful plans. And she has plans of her own: save Burke from the altar, save Renley from the ghosts that haunt him, and save James from himself. For love of Rosalie, the gentlemen must prove willing to try anything, risk anything, and be anything she needs. Contains mature themes.

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