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Guarding Justice (Otherside Chronicles) par…

Guarding Justice (Otherside Chronicles) (édition 2019)

par Sherry L. Brown (Auteur)

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You can't get enough can you? Well, here's Justice's story. She's a badass just like her sister, but let's be real, you're only reading it for the romance with the panty-melting alpha, aren't you? Justice is a werewolf who embraces all the power of her supernatural side. For years, she's worked to provide a stable home life for her younger sister after their powerful shaman mother decided to 'move on'. She's put the needs of her sisters, her family, and her pack ahead of her own, always. In one night, the responsibility is no longer hers, and she's freed to finally find out just what she wants. And she wants him. Lockewood O'Connell. A silent, brooding, mysterious wolf way out of her league. Time is not on her side however; the uncontrollable forces of the Otherside are finding their way through and their relationship may be over before it begins. Will she sacrifice true power to save him? Or will she put duty ahead of love? I am the shield that guards the sword. The sister that holds the responsibility. The wolf that embraces her nature. He is the soldier sent to watch me. To find out my secrets. I have none. But he does. And the survival of my family depends on finding out just what those secrets are.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Guarding Justice (Otherside Chronicles)
Auteurs:Sherry L. Brown (Auteur)
Info:Independently published (2019), 252 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Guarding Justice (Otherside Chronicles) par Sherry L. Brown


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You can't get enough can you? Well, here's Justice's story. She's a badass just like her sister, but let's be real, you're only reading it for the romance with the panty-melting alpha, aren't you? Justice is a werewolf who embraces all the power of her supernatural side. For years, she's worked to provide a stable home life for her younger sister after their powerful shaman mother decided to 'move on'. She's put the needs of her sisters, her family, and her pack ahead of her own, always. In one night, the responsibility is no longer hers, and she's freed to finally find out just what she wants. And she wants him. Lockewood O'Connell. A silent, brooding, mysterious wolf way out of her league. Time is not on her side however; the uncontrollable forces of the Otherside are finding their way through and their relationship may be over before it begins. Will she sacrifice true power to save him? Or will she put duty ahead of love? I am the shield that guards the sword. The sister that holds the responsibility. The wolf that embraces her nature. He is the soldier sent to watch me. To find out my secrets. I have none. But he does. And the survival of my family depends on finding out just what those secrets are.

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