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Gauntlet (The Sommerfeld Experiment, #2)

par Al Davidson

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Agent Farrell and his team have Joshua backed into a corner. At the NSMZ base, a Maelstrom permie rig and a team of scientists await Joshua's arrival. Silently observing from the sidelines is Peter Yee of the Siuping Clan, a powerful crime boss to whom Joshua owes a favor. Caught between two formidable entities who want to exploit his talents for their own purpose, Joshua has one option: join the Siuping Clan as an enforcer. Instead, Yee surprises Joshua with an unexpected offer-the opportunity of a lifetime and a way out of the killing and the death he's known his whole life. All Joshua needs to do is survive one more night in Old Town before Yee's jet smuggles him to a private sanctuary estate in Macau. But betrayal is closing in from all directions... This book contains drugs, sex, violence and strong language.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parclarprof83, Rebecca.Austin

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Agent Farrell and his team have Joshua backed into a corner. At the NSMZ base, a Maelstrom permie rig and a team of scientists await Joshua's arrival. Silently observing from the sidelines is Peter Yee of the Siuping Clan, a powerful crime boss to whom Joshua owes a favor. Caught between two formidable entities who want to exploit his talents for their own purpose, Joshua has one option: join the Siuping Clan as an enforcer. Instead, Yee surprises Joshua with an unexpected offer-the opportunity of a lifetime and a way out of the killing and the death he's known his whole life. All Joshua needs to do is survive one more night in Old Town before Yee's jet smuggles him to a private sanctuary estate in Macau. But betrayal is closing in from all directions... This book contains drugs, sex, violence and strong language.

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