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A Touch Too Much: A New Templar Knights Novella (Caitlin Kelley: Monster Hunter)

par Theresa Glover

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She's crushing on a nun. There's a hydra in the French Quarter. And a giant gorilla just stole her underwear. This is not Caitlin Kelley's best day. Much to her chagrin, it's not her worst day, either. The newly-minted official Monster Hunter for New Orleans just wanted to drink a few (okay, many) hurricanes, eat more beignets than should be humanly possible, and otherwise enjoy her New Orleans vacation. Instead, she's found herself relocating to The Big Easy, dealing with cops and federal agents, hunting down a walking nightmare, and representing all of humanity in a supernatural conference to determine the fate of the world. And did I mention she has the ultimate in unrequited crushes - a nun? Set in the popular Bubba the Monster Hunter universe, the New Templar Knights novellas are comedic horror/urban fantasy tales of ordinary men and women battling to keep the world safe against the things that go bump in the night, often trying to balance normal lives with extraordinary side gigs. Fans of Bubba, Mason Dixon Monster Hunter, and the Monster Hunter Mom Jess Friedman will enjoy Caitlin Kelley's hilarious adventures.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parrogueleader, kalefaolan

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She's crushing on a nun. There's a hydra in the French Quarter. And a giant gorilla just stole her underwear. This is not Caitlin Kelley's best day. Much to her chagrin, it's not her worst day, either. The newly-minted official Monster Hunter for New Orleans just wanted to drink a few (okay, many) hurricanes, eat more beignets than should be humanly possible, and otherwise enjoy her New Orleans vacation. Instead, she's found herself relocating to The Big Easy, dealing with cops and federal agents, hunting down a walking nightmare, and representing all of humanity in a supernatural conference to determine the fate of the world. And did I mention she has the ultimate in unrequited crushes - a nun? Set in the popular Bubba the Monster Hunter universe, the New Templar Knights novellas are comedic horror/urban fantasy tales of ordinary men and women battling to keep the world safe against the things that go bump in the night, often trying to balance normal lives with extraordinary side gigs. Fans of Bubba, Mason Dixon Monster Hunter, and the Monster Hunter Mom Jess Friedman will enjoy Caitlin Kelley's hilarious adventures.

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