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Flawless (Chestnut Springs, 1) par Elsie…

Flawless (Chestnut Springs, 1) (édition 2023)

par Elsie Silver (Auteur)

Séries: Chestnut Springs (1)

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933623,623 (4.05)2
Rhett Eaton is the face of professional bull riding. The golden boy. Or at least he was until it all blew up in his face after a public brawl. Now his agent says he has to clean up his image, and sticks Rhett with his ball-busting daughter for the rest of the season as "full-time supervision." But Rhett doesn't need a babysitter--especially one with skin-tight jeans, a sexy smirk, and a mouth she can't stop running. And he quickly learns that Summer Hamilton isn't just another conquest. She sees the man behind the mask, and she doesn't run--she pulls him closer, even when she shouldn't. She says this means nothing. Rhett says this means everything. She says there are boundaries they shouldn't cross. That Rhett's reputation can't take any more hits...and neither can her damaged heart. Rhett says he's going to steal it anyway.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Flawless (Chestnut Springs, 1)
Auteurs:Elsie Silver (Auteur)
Info:Bloom Books (2023), 400 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Flawless par Elsie Silver


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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 6 (suivant | tout afficher)
4 stars

I found this book via Tiktok. It captured my attention and I immediately went and downloaded it. Did it live up to my expectations? Yes and no. I loved the actual sparks between the characters. Rhett and Summer were great together. I enjoyed watching them grow from their tenacious beginning to something more. I even enjoyed Kip and the bull riding aspect. Where I struggled was with how things were resolved with Mariana, Winter, and Rob. It just felt so unfinished. There was potential to be so much more there.

Even though there were parts of this story that I struggled with, I'm still invested in these characters and will be going back to read Violet's story and am looking forward to Cade's book next. ( )
  MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |

cowboy romance with adults who talk & act like they’re 13.
The repeated texts to her dad about not getting on the guys dick were cringe AF.
It was all “cocksucker this” and “cocksucker that”.
I hated every page I read of this as much as Rhett hates milk.
  spiritedstardust | Jun 1, 2024 |
Bull rider ( )
  ArleighS | Sep 18, 2023 |
Summer Hamilton is happy to be working in her father's company as a sports agent. When her father announces that her first assignment is to babysit rodeo bull rider, Rhett Eaton, Summer knows she has her work cut out for her. Between the youthful crush she once had on him or his recent behavior that has cost him sponsors, Summer isn't sure she is up to the task. The longer she works with Rhett, though, the more she finds to admire, and she's not sure if that long-ago crush is really dead.

Flawless is a unique romance that takes place in the world of the rodeo. The plot is fairly simple, almost too simple, and the characters, likable. Many heavy topics are introduced but only briefly explored as the majority of the narrative focuses on the romance. At times the drama boarders on cringey, but is reeled in before it gets too over-the-top. Overall, Flawless is a very good romance, but does not quite live up to the hype. ( )
  ftbooklover | Sep 9, 2023 |
Kindle Unlimited Book, this series is a favorite from KU of Youtuber Chandler Ainsley. Read travelling home from NOLA.

Slightly above average, very spicy romance. The age difference and it's mostly lack of acknowledgement, especially with Summer's history was a little troubling. Seeing as the male character is the youngest brother, a little worried that is going to be a theme in this series. ( )
  littlemuls | May 28, 2023 |
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Rhett Eaton is the face of professional bull riding. The golden boy. Or at least he was until it all blew up in his face after a public brawl. Now his agent says he has to clean up his image, and sticks Rhett with his ball-busting daughter for the rest of the season as "full-time supervision." But Rhett doesn't need a babysitter--especially one with skin-tight jeans, a sexy smirk, and a mouth she can't stop running. And he quickly learns that Summer Hamilton isn't just another conquest. She sees the man behind the mask, and she doesn't run--she pulls him closer, even when she shouldn't. She says this means nothing. Rhett says this means everything. She says there are boundaries they shouldn't cross. That Rhett's reputation can't take any more hits...and neither can her damaged heart. Rhett says he's going to steal it anyway.

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Moyenne: (4.05)
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3 24
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4 41
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5 31

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