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When to Walk Away Video Study: Finding Freedom from Toxic People

par Gary Thomas

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Jesus walked away from toxic people, and you should too. In this six-session video Bible study, bestselling author Gary Thomas draws on Jesus' example to show how the best course of action for us to take with some relationships is to walk away . . . or let the other person walk away. In the Gospels, we read that when Jesus spoke a hard truth, sometimes the other person chose to walk away. Other times, the person asked Jesus to leave-and he complied. There were also times when people begged Jesus to stay, but he walked away so he could remain completely focused on the mission God had for him. Most of us have run across toxic individuals who drain us of our joy and peace-people who resent the grace we share and will never change. However, as Gary will show in this study, we don't have to pour our time and energy into these people. Instead, we can follow Jesus' example to walk away from toxic people and walk toward healthy relationships that will encourage us, strengthen us, and build us up. And as we do, it frees us to focus completely on the purpose that God has established for our lives. Sessions include: Follow Jesus' Example Recognize Toxic People Build a Good Offense Create a Good Defense Speak the Truth Align with Christ Designed for use with the When to Walk Away Video Study (9780310110361), sold separately.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parOliver22

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Jesus walked away from toxic people, and you should too. In this six-session video Bible study, bestselling author Gary Thomas draws on Jesus' example to show how the best course of action for us to take with some relationships is to walk away . . . or let the other person walk away. In the Gospels, we read that when Jesus spoke a hard truth, sometimes the other person chose to walk away. Other times, the person asked Jesus to leave-and he complied. There were also times when people begged Jesus to stay, but he walked away so he could remain completely focused on the mission God had for him. Most of us have run across toxic individuals who drain us of our joy and peace-people who resent the grace we share and will never change. However, as Gary will show in this study, we don't have to pour our time and energy into these people. Instead, we can follow Jesus' example to walk away from toxic people and walk toward healthy relationships that will encourage us, strengthen us, and build us up. And as we do, it frees us to focus completely on the purpose that God has established for our lives. Sessions include: Follow Jesus' Example Recognize Toxic People Build a Good Offense Create a Good Defense Speak the Truth Align with Christ Designed for use with the When to Walk Away Video Study (9780310110361), sold separately.

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