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Sacred Pathways Study Guide: Nine Ways to Connect with God

par Gary Thomas

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As believers in Christ, many of us today fall into the trap of thinking we have to approach God in a certain way. This one-size-fits-all mentality typically leaves us feeling frustrated and distant from God. But the truth is that not every person will engage with God in the same way. For this reason, it is important to discover the particular pathway that will best help them to experience God's presence. In this five-session video study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), bestselling author Gary Thomas uncovers nine of these spiritual "pathways" that people have used over the centuries to grow closer to God. He provides tools for participants to assess their key pathway (much as the Enneagram does for personality types) and encourages them to investigate the ways they most naturally express themselves in their relationship with God. Gary also points out the strengths and pitfalls of their primary pathway and helps them discover the key spiritual tendencies of their friends, family, and others around them. Whatever temperament or blend of temperaments best describes our personality, we can rest assured that it is not by accident. It comes by the design of a Creator who knew what he was doing when he made us according to his own unique intentions. Sacred Pathways will reveal the true route we were made to travel. Sessions include: - The Journey of the Soul (Introduction to the Pathways) - Pathways of Wonder (Naturalists, Sensates, Aesthetics) - Pathways of Contemplation (Contemplatives, Traditionalists, Intellectuals) - Pathways of Action (Activists, Caregivers, and Enthusiasts) - Tending the Garden of the Soul (How the Pathways Applies to Your Life) Designed for use with the Sacred Pathways Video Study (sold separately).… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parksyvertsen, MASorensen

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As believers in Christ, many of us today fall into the trap of thinking we have to approach God in a certain way. This one-size-fits-all mentality typically leaves us feeling frustrated and distant from God. But the truth is that not every person will engage with God in the same way. For this reason, it is important to discover the particular pathway that will best help them to experience God's presence. In this five-session video study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), bestselling author Gary Thomas uncovers nine of these spiritual "pathways" that people have used over the centuries to grow closer to God. He provides tools for participants to assess their key pathway (much as the Enneagram does for personality types) and encourages them to investigate the ways they most naturally express themselves in their relationship with God. Gary also points out the strengths and pitfalls of their primary pathway and helps them discover the key spiritual tendencies of their friends, family, and others around them. Whatever temperament or blend of temperaments best describes our personality, we can rest assured that it is not by accident. It comes by the design of a Creator who knew what he was doing when he made us according to his own unique intentions. Sacred Pathways will reveal the true route we were made to travel. Sessions include: - The Journey of the Soul (Introduction to the Pathways) - Pathways of Wonder (Naturalists, Sensates, Aesthetics) - Pathways of Contemplation (Contemplatives, Traditionalists, Intellectuals) - Pathways of Action (Activists, Caregivers, and Enthusiasts) - Tending the Garden of the Soul (How the Pathways Applies to Your Life) Designed for use with the Sacred Pathways Video Study (sold separately).

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