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Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes (Volume 1, pt. 2); Nineteenth President of the United States

par Rutherford B. Hayes

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Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: visit last week. He has a pleasant office for loafers and time enough to devote to his friends. Both agreeable things for my purposes Write, Your trother, R. B. Hayes. Mrs. W. A. Platt. (There is no entry in the Diary after that of October 4, 1847, for more than a year. Then we have the following undated paragraphs briefly summarizing the activities of the long period of silence.] From the s6th of September, 1847, in my office with R. P. Buckland, hard at work making up for lost time until the last of December. Spent the holidays at home, Columbus. New Year's, 1848, call with John G. Miller Jr. During this visit make the acquaintance of Helen Key. Attend small gathering at Mr. B 's, for the first time play Ship from Bordeaux. January i, 1848, Little Red Ridinghood gathering at Sullivan's, see Miss M. J and . On the] 8th of January, enjoy that convention. Return on the] loth with Jack Dickinson, Jim Steadman, and Henderson ? jolly crew. Stay at home hard at the desk until August 1848. Go to Columbus by way of Mansfield. With Mr. Blynn to hear Corwin at Xenia; party at H 's and home in the night . This was in] September ? day of Whig county Convention. Work like a trooper for Old Zack General Zachary Taylor, Whig candidate for President, ] and enjoy the victory. Remain at home until November 21. Off to Columbus and thence to Texas. chapter{{Section 4CHAPTER VIII THE TRIP TO TEXAS, 1848-1849 NOVEMBER 21, 1848. ? Having made all needful preparations for a winter's tour in Texas and a visit to my old college classmate, Guy M. Bryan, I started for Bellevuc this cold raw morning with bag and baggage, taking with me Cyrus Thompson to return the horses and buggy. At 4 P. M. took the cars for Sandusky City, arriving there at supper. In the eve..… (plus d'informations)
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Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: visit last week. He has a pleasant office for loafers and time enough to devote to his friends. Both agreeable things for my purposes Write, Your trother, R. B. Hayes. Mrs. W. A. Platt. (There is no entry in the Diary after that of October 4, 1847, for more than a year. Then we have the following undated paragraphs briefly summarizing the activities of the long period of silence.] From the s6th of September, 1847, in my office with R. P. Buckland, hard at work making up for lost time until the last of December. Spent the holidays at home, Columbus. New Year's, 1848, call with John G. Miller Jr. During this visit make the acquaintance of Helen Key. Attend small gathering at Mr. B 's, for the first time play Ship from Bordeaux. January i, 1848, Little Red Ridinghood gathering at Sullivan's, see Miss M. J and . On the] 8th of January, enjoy that convention. Return on the] loth with Jack Dickinson, Jim Steadman, and Henderson ? jolly crew. Stay at home hard at the desk until August 1848. Go to Columbus by way of Mansfield. With Mr. Blynn to hear Corwin at Xenia; party at H 's and home in the night . This was in] September ? day of Whig county Convention. Work like a trooper for Old Zack General Zachary Taylor, Whig candidate for President, ] and enjoy the victory. Remain at home until November 21. Off to Columbus and thence to Texas. chapter{{Section 4CHAPTER VIII THE TRIP TO TEXAS, 1848-1849 NOVEMBER 21, 1848. ? Having made all needful preparations for a winter's tour in Texas and a visit to my old college classmate, Guy M. Bryan, I started for Bellevuc this cold raw morning with bag and baggage, taking with me Cyrus Thompson to return the horses and buggy. At 4 P. M. took the cars for Sandusky City, arriving there at supper. In the eve..

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