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Walking Wisely Workbook: Real Life Solutions for Everyday Situations

par Dr. Charles F. Stanley

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Dr. Charles Stanley cuts through the mystique of wisdom and presents God's simple plan to bless those who walk in His ways. In this workbook, best-selling author Dr. Charles Stanley reveals a simple fact: There are only two ways to journey through life'wisely or unwisely. Those who walk wisely can expect to live a life pleasing to God and graced by the blessing of His love and pesence. Those who walk unwisely can anticipate a life that falls tragically short of God's best. The world offers endless philosophies about what it means to live abundantly. With so many options, how can we be wise in setting priorities, establishing relationships, and making decisions? Dr. Stanley offers scriptural wisdom for daily living. Product features include: Insightful Questions for In-Depth Study Guided Prayers Quotes from Walking Wisely This important study guide, which is perfect for individual or group settings, will help you discern God's will more effectively.… (plus d'informations)

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Dr. Charles Stanley cuts through the mystique of wisdom and presents God's simple plan to bless those who walk in His ways. In this workbook, best-selling author Dr. Charles Stanley reveals a simple fact: There are only two ways to journey through life'wisely or unwisely. Those who walk wisely can expect to live a life pleasing to God and graced by the blessing of His love and pesence. Those who walk unwisely can anticipate a life that falls tragically short of God's best. The world offers endless philosophies about what it means to live abundantly. With so many options, how can we be wise in setting priorities, establishing relationships, and making decisions? Dr. Stanley offers scriptural wisdom for daily living. Product features include: Insightful Questions for In-Depth Study Guided Prayers Quotes from Walking Wisely This important study guide, which is perfect for individual or group settings, will help you discern God's will more effectively.

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