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The Great Starship Race (Star Trek, Book 67)…

The Great Starship Race (Star Trek, Book 67) (original 1993; édition 1993)

par Diane Carey (Auteur)

Séries: Star Trek: The Original Series (67), Star Trek (novels) (1993.10), Star Trek (1993.10)

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473454,178 (3.49)2
While competing in The Great Starship Race, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise engage in a deadly game with a treacherous Romulan warship intent on disrupting the festivities.
Titre:The Great Starship Race (Star Trek, Book 67)
Auteurs:Diane Carey (Auteur)
Info:Pocket Books (1993), Edition: Reissue, 305 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Great Starship Race par Diane Carey (1993)


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4 sur 4
Very enjoyable, in the "rollicking yarn" sort of way. The Rey and the race are fun, the Romulans aren't too cheesy, and the whole thing cracks along. The one "eeh" moment is that there's a ship full of people who love the Southern US (they're all from there) and embrace, yknow, the Lost Cause, etc in that "it's cultural!!!1!!" sort of way.
  everystartrek | Jan 5, 2023 |
This is a curious Star Trek story revolving around a race between an assortment of ships from across the Federation. This goodwill mission is meant to be fun for both the ship’s crew and spectators. But everything changes when a Romulan ship wants to enter the race. Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise know it in their bones that the Romulans do not come to race for fun and goodwill but have ulterior motives. Can the crew of the Enterprise run a race while keeping an eye on that new and possibly deadly entry? ( )
  Chris177 | Apr 29, 2013 |
A quite good Star Trek novel in which the Federation hosts an intragalactic Starship race. The race becomes a bloodsport when a Romulan ship bullies its way into the race, and the survival of a world becomes the new stakes. Not nearly as hokey as it sounds, and quite nicely written by one of Star Trek's better and more prolific authors. ( )
  burnit99 | Jan 4, 2007 |
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Star Trek (1993.10)

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There is no danger to a man that knows
What life and death is; there's not any law
 Exceeds his knowledge; neither is it lawful
That he should stoop to any other law.
He goes before them, and commands them all,
That to himself is a law rational.

~ George Chapman/
   In Praise of Sailors
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Captain Tony Lesnick and the crew of the Official Star Trek Fan Club Starship Intrepid

who, with their untiring work and above-the-call chivalry, give our ongoing trek a good name.
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While competing in The Great Starship Race, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise engage in a deadly game with a treacherous Romulan warship intent on disrupting the festivities.

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Moyenne: (3.49)
1 1
2 4
3 14
3.5 6
4 8
4.5 2
5 6

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