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Reader's Digest Everyday Health Hacks: Quick Fixes to Prevent Disease and Improve Wellbeing

par Reader's Digest

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More than 500 little tweaks to your routine that are scientifically proven to help you lose weight, prevent disease, and even wipe years from your appearance.   If you've burned out on the paleo or keto diets and have fallen off the Peloton and HIIT wagon, try Health Hacks. These simple tips and tricks allow you to sneak healthy choices into your day without overhauling your lifestyle. For example: * Start your day with a cup of hot cocoa while you tackle your most creative work. Research finds that one cup of cocoa a day for five days can increase blood flow in the brain, hands, and legs, and helps regulate blood pressure. *Move your bed away from any outside walls. This will help cut down on noise, which a Spanish study found could be a significant factor in insomnia. *When you're nervous, tighten and release your abdominal muscles over and over again. You'll strengthen your abs and take your mind off your anxiety at the same time. Like all Reader's Digest health books, the information in the book is based on authoritative sources but presented in an easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement way. Adapted for a post-COVID-19 world, it is designed to be relatable and relevant no matter what the global health (or your personal health) status might be. … (plus d'informations)

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More than 500 little tweaks to your routine that are scientifically proven to help you lose weight, prevent disease, and even wipe years from your appearance.   If you've burned out on the paleo or keto diets and have fallen off the Peloton and HIIT wagon, try Health Hacks. These simple tips and tricks allow you to sneak healthy choices into your day without overhauling your lifestyle. For example: * Start your day with a cup of hot cocoa while you tackle your most creative work. Research finds that one cup of cocoa a day for five days can increase blood flow in the brain, hands, and legs, and helps regulate blood pressure. *Move your bed away from any outside walls. This will help cut down on noise, which a Spanish study found could be a significant factor in insomnia. *When you're nervous, tighten and release your abdominal muscles over and over again. You'll strengthen your abs and take your mind off your anxiety at the same time. Like all Reader's Digest health books, the information in the book is based on authoritative sources but presented in an easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement way. Adapted for a post-COVID-19 world, it is designed to be relatable and relevant no matter what the global health (or your personal health) status might be. 

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