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Hero Academy: Villains On Loose

par Tom McLaughlin

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Two action-packed stories about the superheroes-in-training at Hero Academy, who must work together and use their powers to outwit the super-baddies. In Calling All Villains, Nisha and Cam go undercover to find out how to save Wildcroft Woods. In Race for the Meteorite, Nisha and her friendsrace the villains to the meteorite - but who will get there first?This exciting chapter book with carefully-levelled text is ideal for children who are reading independently. Books with short chapters are a great way to build your child's reading stamina and confidence. The stories are packed with dynamic CGI-style illustrations - perfect for fans of comics.Tips for parents help to support your child's developing reading skills and the fun after-reading activities making reading fun while reinforcing comprehension.Featuring much-loved characters, great authors, engaging storylines and fun activities, Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading confidence.Read with Oxford Stage 6 equates to Oxford Levels 10, 11 and 12 used in schools. For more information about the Read with Oxford Stages, as well as practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress, go to Let's get them flying!… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parECHOHUBATHENS

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Two action-packed stories about the superheroes-in-training at Hero Academy, who must work together and use their powers to outwit the super-baddies. In Calling All Villains, Nisha and Cam go undercover to find out how to save Wildcroft Woods. In Race for the Meteorite, Nisha and her friendsrace the villains to the meteorite - but who will get there first?This exciting chapter book with carefully-levelled text is ideal for children who are reading independently. Books with short chapters are a great way to build your child's reading stamina and confidence. The stories are packed with dynamic CGI-style illustrations - perfect for fans of comics.Tips for parents help to support your child's developing reading skills and the fun after-reading activities making reading fun while reinforcing comprehension.Featuring much-loved characters, great authors, engaging storylines and fun activities, Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading confidence.Read with Oxford Stage 6 equates to Oxford Levels 10, 11 and 12 used in schools. For more information about the Read with Oxford Stages, as well as practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress, go to Let's get them flying!

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