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The Beggar and Bluebird

par Anthony DeStefano

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"The Beggar and the Bluebird is a modern-day fairytale in the tradition of Hans Christian Anderson and the Grimm Brothers. It tells the moving story of a little bird whose flight southward for the winter keeps getting delayed because of the strange requests of a local street beggar. The beggar asks the bird to deliver bread to a homeless man, money to a widow with children, and a gold cross to a sick boy in the hospital. As a result of performing these acts of mercy, the kind bird gets caught in a massive winter snowstorm. All seems lost, until an astonishing turn of events reveals the true identity of the street beggar. An inspiring story of risk and sacrifice, the Beggar and the Bluebird teaches children the true meaning of gift-giving and demonstrates that great love is always rewarded by God-though often not in ways we can predict"--… (plus d'informations)

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"The Beggar and the Bluebird is a modern-day fairytale in the tradition of Hans Christian Anderson and the Grimm Brothers. It tells the moving story of a little bird whose flight southward for the winter keeps getting delayed because of the strange requests of a local street beggar. The beggar asks the bird to deliver bread to a homeless man, money to a widow with children, and a gold cross to a sick boy in the hospital. As a result of performing these acts of mercy, the kind bird gets caught in a massive winter snowstorm. All seems lost, until an astonishing turn of events reveals the true identity of the street beggar. An inspiring story of risk and sacrifice, the Beggar and the Bluebird teaches children the true meaning of gift-giving and demonstrates that great love is always rewarded by God-though often not in ways we can predict"--

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