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Comprehending chemistry. Year 11

par Meredith A. Wilkes

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Comprehending Chemistry Year 11 follows the NSW HSC course. Each module is composed of clearly identified topics which are further broken down into focus areas which address the key learning points and the chemistry underpinning these key aspects. Dr Meredith Wilkes understands that many students are more visual learners, so she has included links to many videos and resources for each topic in the LOOK and LEARN section. Meredith also subscribes to the education theory of learn by doing - hence the name of the experimental sections, LEARN by DOING. The experiments have been designed to illustrate and complement the theory and many can also be performed at home - just remember to take all the necessary precautions!… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parWiramihardjaR

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Comprehending Chemistry Year 11 follows the NSW HSC course. Each module is composed of clearly identified topics which are further broken down into focus areas which address the key learning points and the chemistry underpinning these key aspects. Dr Meredith Wilkes understands that many students are more visual learners, so she has included links to many videos and resources for each topic in the LOOK and LEARN section. Meredith also subscribes to the education theory of learn by doing - hence the name of the experimental sections, LEARN by DOING. The experiments have been designed to illustrate and complement the theory and many can also be performed at home - just remember to take all the necessary precautions!

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