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College Admission Essays For Dummies (For Dummies (Career/Education))

par Jessica Brenner

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College is supposed to be fun, remember? Take the stress out of the admissions process with expert advice on writing personal essays. College can be an absolute blast. But making it into your dream school is no easy feat. Don't be intimidated--College Admission Essays For Dummies is here to alleviate your anxieties and help you craft an unforgettable personal essay with the potential to impress any admissions committee. This helpful guide walks you through every step of the writing process, from brainstorming and prep to the final polishes and submission. You'll learn how to make your essay stand out from the ocean of other applicants and get your personality to pop off the page. In addition to stellar examples of essays that got their writers into their first-choice schools, you'll get the inside scoop on how to: Use writing to transform you from a statistic into a compelling and attractive candidate Illustrate who you are through vivid storytelling and self-reflection Deal with writer's block and essay anxiety to get the most out of your time Learn about the most common question types and get your admissions officer's attention with your short answers With colleges around the country beginning to discount the impact of SAT and ACT scores, the personal essay is more important than ever. College Admission Essays For Dummies is the up-to-date roadmap you need to navigate your way to the perfect college essay.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté pard66dle, Markober, RLNunezKPL

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College is supposed to be fun, remember? Take the stress out of the admissions process with expert advice on writing personal essays. College can be an absolute blast. But making it into your dream school is no easy feat. Don't be intimidated--College Admission Essays For Dummies is here to alleviate your anxieties and help you craft an unforgettable personal essay with the potential to impress any admissions committee. This helpful guide walks you through every step of the writing process, from brainstorming and prep to the final polishes and submission. You'll learn how to make your essay stand out from the ocean of other applicants and get your personality to pop off the page. In addition to stellar examples of essays that got their writers into their first-choice schools, you'll get the inside scoop on how to: Use writing to transform you from a statistic into a compelling and attractive candidate Illustrate who you are through vivid storytelling and self-reflection Deal with writer's block and essay anxiety to get the most out of your time Learn about the most common question types and get your admissions officer's attention with your short answers With colleges around the country beginning to discount the impact of SAT and ACT scores, the personal essay is more important than ever. College Admission Essays For Dummies is the up-to-date roadmap you need to navigate your way to the perfect college essay.

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