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(Un)Natural Desires: Representations of Homosexuals in Post-War American Literature: A Focus on Selected Works by Gore Vidal, Truman Capote, James Baldwin and Allen Ginsberg

par Dawn Amber Harvey

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(Un)Natural Desires: Representations of Homosexuals in Post-War American Literature is a study of selected titles from four writers: Gore Vidal, Truman Capote, James Baldwin and Allen Ginsberg. More than simply a literary review, it explores aspects of queer history as they are revealed through literature that was published in the years following the Second World War by young homosexual writers. Analysis of the texts presents an exploration of unique but comparative experience that contributes to a multifaceted representation of homosexual life in post-war America. To expand upon the content of the novels, selected paragraphs of text are related to theoretical works from writers including Michel Foucault, Julia Kristeva, Hal Foster and Sarah Schulman, along with the work of prominent gay rights activist, Harry Hay.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté pardonkelly68

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(Un)Natural Desires: Representations of Homosexuals in Post-War American Literature is a study of selected titles from four writers: Gore Vidal, Truman Capote, James Baldwin and Allen Ginsberg. More than simply a literary review, it explores aspects of queer history as they are revealed through literature that was published in the years following the Second World War by young homosexual writers. Analysis of the texts presents an exploration of unique but comparative experience that contributes to a multifaceted representation of homosexual life in post-war America. To expand upon the content of the novels, selected paragraphs of text are related to theoretical works from writers including Michel Foucault, Julia Kristeva, Hal Foster and Sarah Schulman, along with the work of prominent gay rights activist, Harry Hay.

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