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Spirits of the Otherworld: A Grimoire of Occult Cocktails and Drinking Rituals

par Allison Crawbuck

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Alcohol meets alchemy in this fun and darkly fascinating collection of cocktail recipes to suit your every mood and whim. Astrology, tarot, palmistry, and other spiritual arts are having a moment--and that includes the spirits we enjoy during cocktail hour. With this deeply researched collection of intoxicating treats, readers will be able to mix a drink that reflects their interests and satisfies their curiosity. Over the course of five chapters, the authors map out esoteric philosophies that have fueled the dark arts of their times. Each recipe is presented in a double-page spread that includes an engaging history, clear instructions, and original photography. Curious about druids? Try the Oak and Mistletoe, reminiscent of ancient European forests. Into voodoo? Enjoy a citrusy rum cocktail that's finished with Peychaud's bitters from an infamous New Orleans apothecary. If vodka's your jam try the Devil's Daughter, which pays tribute to England's most famous prophetess, Mother Shipton. More than just a collection of recipes, this dive into the occult tells you everything you need to stock your bar and kitchen with, while offering compelling background information on natural ingredients, botany, herbs, and spices--all points of interests that connect the cocktail enthusiast and the practitioner of magic. Whether you're serious about cocktails or the occult--or just getting acquainted with either one--this ingenious blend of mixology and magic will add a drop of mystery to every drink you make.  … (plus d'informations)

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Alcohol meets alchemy in this fun and darkly fascinating collection of cocktail recipes to suit your every mood and whim. Astrology, tarot, palmistry, and other spiritual arts are having a moment--and that includes the spirits we enjoy during cocktail hour. With this deeply researched collection of intoxicating treats, readers will be able to mix a drink that reflects their interests and satisfies their curiosity. Over the course of five chapters, the authors map out esoteric philosophies that have fueled the dark arts of their times. Each recipe is presented in a double-page spread that includes an engaging history, clear instructions, and original photography. Curious about druids? Try the Oak and Mistletoe, reminiscent of ancient European forests. Into voodoo? Enjoy a citrusy rum cocktail that's finished with Peychaud's bitters from an infamous New Orleans apothecary. If vodka's your jam try the Devil's Daughter, which pays tribute to England's most famous prophetess, Mother Shipton. More than just a collection of recipes, this dive into the occult tells you everything you need to stock your bar and kitchen with, while offering compelling background information on natural ingredients, botany, herbs, and spices--all points of interests that connect the cocktail enthusiast and the practitioner of magic. Whether you're serious about cocktails or the occult--or just getting acquainted with either one--this ingenious blend of mixology and magic will add a drop of mystery to every drink you make.  

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