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The Doughnut Cookbook: Delicious Recipes for Baked & Fried Doughnuts

par The Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen

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Mmmm, doughnuts! A guide to making your own with an assortment of recipes included. Ranging from classic Old-Fashioned style doughnuts to lemony-glazed baked doughnuts topped with pistachios and sugar-dusted beignets, this book includes something for all doughnut-lovers. Yeasted, fried, baked, glazed, and sprinkled, doughnuts are enjoyed in all different shapes and sizes. Learn how easy making doughnuts at home is in this all-inclusive guide from the Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen. Inside these pages, you'll find recipes for basic doughs and glazes, mouthwatering recipes for classic and innovative doughnuts, tips and tricks for frying and baking doughnuts, and much more. Recipes include: Funfetti Doughnuts * Apple Fritters * Maple-Bacon Doughnuts * S'mores Doughnuts * Vanilla and Chocolate Old-Fashioned Doughnuts * Peppermint Bark Chocolate Doughnuts * Savory Cheesy-Jalapeño Doughnuts * and many others… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté partlwright, auldhouse, DanielDittmar

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Mmmm, doughnuts! A guide to making your own with an assortment of recipes included. Ranging from classic Old-Fashioned style doughnuts to lemony-glazed baked doughnuts topped with pistachios and sugar-dusted beignets, this book includes something for all doughnut-lovers. Yeasted, fried, baked, glazed, and sprinkled, doughnuts are enjoyed in all different shapes and sizes. Learn how easy making doughnuts at home is in this all-inclusive guide from the Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen. Inside these pages, you'll find recipes for basic doughs and glazes, mouthwatering recipes for classic and innovative doughnuts, tips and tricks for frying and baking doughnuts, and much more. Recipes include: Funfetti Doughnuts * Apple Fritters * Maple-Bacon Doughnuts * S'mores Doughnuts * Vanilla and Chocolate Old-Fashioned Doughnuts * Peppermint Bark Chocolate Doughnuts * Savory Cheesy-Jalapeño Doughnuts * and many others

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