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The Family Across the Street par Nicole…

The Family Across the Street (édition 2024)

par Nicole Trope (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
279698,532 (3.89)10
Everybody wants to live on Hogarth Street, the pretty, tree-lined avenue with its white houses. The new family, The Wests, are a perfect fit. Katherine and Josh seem so in love and their gorgeous five-year-old twins race screeching around their beautiful emerald-green lawn. But soon people start to notice: why don't they join backyard barbecues? Why do they brush away offers to babysit? Why, when you knock at the door, do they shut you out, rather than inviting you in? Every family has secrets, and on the hottest day of the year, the truth is about to come out. As a tragedy unfolds behind closed doors, the dawn chorus is split by the wail of sirens. And one by one the families who tried so hard to welcome the Wests begin to realise: Hogarth Street will never be the same again.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Family Across the Street
Auteurs:Nicole Trope (Auteur)
Info:Grand Central Publishing (2024), 256 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Family across the Street par Nicole Trope


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» Voir aussi les 10 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 6 (suivant | tout afficher)
This is n excellent read for those who love a good mystery. There are excellent twists and turns that make this book a book to devour. ( )
  CandyH | Jun 3, 2024 |
I finished this very quickly....the action started straight away and I was absorbed. A great thriller! I highly recommend this for anyone who loves this genre ( )
  Jfranklin592262 | Feb 9, 2024 |
4 estrellas y media.

Me ha encantado. Me ha atrapado durante toda la lectura. Quería saber más y más de lo que realmente estaba pasado.

Uno de los libros que más me ha enganchado últimamente.

Tiene un giro inesperado prácticamente al final.

Quizás esperaba un final más espectacular tras un argumento con tanto enganche…

Aún así, lo recomiendo.

Primer libro que leo de esta escritora y ya estoy mirando algún otro suyo!!! ( )
  Sandra315 | Apr 30, 2023 |
It's a psychological thriller...and what a thriller it is. After about 20 pages the reader is caught up in the story hook, line and sinker. The story is told from the perspective of several characters, so be patient. We hear from former bad boy Logan, nosy neighbor, Gladys, and Katherine and her captor. We learn from the prologue that a dangerous situation is taking place in Katherine’s house and then we go back in time over the past few hours to see how events came to unfolded. I was drawn to the characters of Logan and Gladys. Their lives have been full of difficulties which made them intensely vulnerable. Logan’s life has been ruled by his bad choices and a terrible childhood. He is often judged for his criminal background and has feelings of guilt for his previous behavior. Gladys cares for her husband Lou who has Parkinsons. They have no children, and her world revolves around trying to make human connections to combat the loneliness. From Katherine and her captor’s viewpoint show the crisis within their family, with 5-year-old twins in danger which heightens the tension. It's a shocking story of a family being held in acute fear by someone that should love them. Be aware that there are some extremely intense and violent scenes that may greatly impact some readers. ( )
  Carol420 | Aug 6, 2022 |
This is a true page turner full of suspense and danger. Katherine and John live with their twin 5 year olds in the house across the street from Gladys, the neighborhood busy-body. Both Gladys and a Logan, a man trying to deliver a package to Katherine, think that there is trouble at katherine's house, but neither do anything about it. It bothers both of them all day. Gladys doesn't want to call the police because she does so often and she is afraid they will not listen. Logan had deliveries to make and wants to keep his job. Besides, he has problems of his own. So, the issue at Katherine's goes on all day.
The events of the day are told from the perspective of all the characters and keeps the reader guessing how it will end.
Definitely a must read ( )
  henrog | Jul 8, 2022 |
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Everybody wants to live on Hogarth Street, the pretty, tree-lined avenue with its white houses. The new family, The Wests, are a perfect fit. Katherine and Josh seem so in love and their gorgeous five-year-old twins race screeching around their beautiful emerald-green lawn. But soon people start to notice: why don't they join backyard barbecues? Why do they brush away offers to babysit? Why, when you knock at the door, do they shut you out, rather than inviting you in? Every family has secrets, and on the hottest day of the year, the truth is about to come out. As a tragedy unfolds behind closed doors, the dawn chorus is split by the wail of sirens. And one by one the families who tried so hard to welcome the Wests begin to realise: Hogarth Street will never be the same again.

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