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Gettin' to the dance floor: An oral history of American golf

par Al Barkow

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If you're serious about exam success, it's time to Concentrate! Commercial Law Concentrate is the essential study and revision guide for law students looking for extra marks. The clear, succinct coverage enables you to quickly grasp the fundamental principles of this area of law and helps you to succeed in exams. This guide has been rigorously reviewed and is endorsed by students and lecturers for level of coverage, accuracy, and exam advice. Packed with essential information, keycases, revision tips, exam q and as, and more, Commercial Law Concentrate is also supported by extensive online resources to take your learning further ( * Plan your revision using the printable topic overviews. * Pinpoint which areas you need to concentrate on with the diagnostic test. * Test your knowledge of commercial law with the multiple choice questions and receive feedback on your answers. * Improve your essay skills using the outline answers for guidance on what to include and how to structure your answer. * Study on the move with revision podcasts available to download to your MP3 player and via iTunes. * Revise the facts and discussions of key cases using the interactive flashcards. * Learn the important terms and definitions using the interactive glossary. * Check that you have covered the main points of a topic using the key facts lists. * Understand your marks by using the sample question and answer annotatedwith examiner comments * Achieve better marks following the advice on revision and exam technique by experienced examiner Nigel Foster. Don't miss the Concentrate apps: hundreds of multiple choice questions with feedback, helping you study, learn and revise, anytime, anywhere.… (plus d'informations)

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If you're serious about exam success, it's time to Concentrate! Commercial Law Concentrate is the essential study and revision guide for law students looking for extra marks. The clear, succinct coverage enables you to quickly grasp the fundamental principles of this area of law and helps you to succeed in exams. This guide has been rigorously reviewed and is endorsed by students and lecturers for level of coverage, accuracy, and exam advice. Packed with essential information, keycases, revision tips, exam q and as, and more, Commercial Law Concentrate is also supported by extensive online resources to take your learning further ( * Plan your revision using the printable topic overviews. * Pinpoint which areas you need to concentrate on with the diagnostic test. * Test your knowledge of commercial law with the multiple choice questions and receive feedback on your answers. * Improve your essay skills using the outline answers for guidance on what to include and how to structure your answer. * Study on the move with revision podcasts available to download to your MP3 player and via iTunes. * Revise the facts and discussions of key cases using the interactive flashcards. * Learn the important terms and definitions using the interactive glossary. * Check that you have covered the main points of a topic using the key facts lists. * Understand your marks by using the sample question and answer annotatedwith examiner comments * Achieve better marks following the advice on revision and exam technique by experienced examiner Nigel Foster. Don't miss the Concentrate apps: hundreds of multiple choice questions with feedback, helping you study, learn and revise, anytime, anywhere.

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