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Read This to Get Smarter: about Race, Class,…

Read This to Get Smarter: about Race, Class, Gender, Disability & More (édition 2021)

par Blair Imani (Auteur)

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We live in a time where it has never been more important to be knowledgeable about a host of social issues, and to be confident and appropriate in how to talk about them. What's the best way to ask someone what their pronouns are? How do you talk about racism with someone who doesn't seem to get it? What is intersectionality, and why do you need to understand it? While it can seem intimidating or overwhelming to learn and talk about such issues, it's never been easier thanks to educator and historian Blair Imani, creator of the viral sensation Smarter in Seconds videos. Accessible to learners of all levels--from those just getting started on the journey to those already versed in social justice--Read This to Get Smarter covers a range of topics, including race, gender, class, disability, relationships, family, power dynamics, oppression, and beyond. This essential guide is a radical but warm and non-judgmental call to arms, structured in such a way that you can read it cover to cover or start with any topic you want to learn more about.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Read This to Get Smarter: about Race, Class, Gender, Disability & More
Auteurs:Blair Imani (Auteur)
Info:Ten Speed Press (2021), 192 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:sociology, american, race, queer

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Read This to Get Smarter: about Race, Class, Gender, Disability, and More par Blair Imani


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We live in a time where it has never been more important to be knowledgeable about a host of social issues, and to be confident and appropriate in how to talk about them. What's the best way to ask someone what their pronouns are? How do you talk about racism with someone who doesn't seem to get it? What is intersectionality, and why do you need to understand it? While it can seem intimidating or overwhelming to learn and talk about such issues, it's never been easier thanks to educator and historian Blair Imani, creator of the viral sensation Smarter in Seconds videos. Accessible to learners of all levels--from those just getting started on the journey to those already versed in social justice--Read This to Get Smarter covers a range of topics, including race, gender, class, disability, relationships, family, power dynamics, oppression, and beyond. This essential guide is a radical but warm and non-judgmental call to arms, structured in such a way that you can read it cover to cover or start with any topic you want to learn more about.

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