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Man in the Middle: Discerning Right and Wrong in a Culture That's Lost Its Way

par S. D. Hower

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Is God's truth relevant in a politically correct culture? Jim King is about to find out. Jim and Sarah King are typical 21st century American adults. They believe in right and wrong-they're just not especially religious. Their lives are turned upside down when an angel challenges Jim, a retired journalist, to accept an offer to write a syndicated column addressing controversial issues as God's representative in an increasingly secular world. Through a series of unusual encounters, unforgettable characters, and uncanny experiences, Jim must reexamine his faith and his understanding of God's truth. He struggles as a "man in the middle"-torn between the clarity of God's Word and the growing popularity of public opinion on moral issues.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parJohn6821, CLCLincoln

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Is God's truth relevant in a politically correct culture? Jim King is about to find out. Jim and Sarah King are typical 21st century American adults. They believe in right and wrong-they're just not especially religious. Their lives are turned upside down when an angel challenges Jim, a retired journalist, to accept an offer to write a syndicated column addressing controversial issues as God's representative in an increasingly secular world. Through a series of unusual encounters, unforgettable characters, and uncanny experiences, Jim must reexamine his faith and his understanding of God's truth. He struggles as a "man in the middle"-torn between the clarity of God's Word and the growing popularity of public opinion on moral issues.

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