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Colourful Crochet: 35 designs to bring the benefits of colour into your life

par Emma Leith

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Bring more colour into your crochet with these bright and beautiful patterns. Imagine you are in the wool shop or searching for yarn online - do you instinctively go for the reds and pinks, naturally veer towards soft blues and greens, or head to the dark side of greys and blacks? The relationship between colours and our state of mind is well established, but we don't often consciously notice how much different colours affect us or understand why we favour some over others. Emma Leith is known for her colourful crochet, and has designed 35 projects that will bring you the psychological benefits of working with different shades, along with the enjoyment of creating beautiful items for the home and to wear. There is a chapter for each season, to reflect the colours of nature in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and then a chapter of 'four seasons' designs, showing you how to mix shades from different times of the year. With notes on the colour therapy benefits of different patterns, and suggestions for switching shades to suit your own preferences, you will soon be crocheting in full colour.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parAmLee67, ecaluk, magsbooks

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Bring more colour into your crochet with these bright and beautiful patterns. Imagine you are in the wool shop or searching for yarn online - do you instinctively go for the reds and pinks, naturally veer towards soft blues and greens, or head to the dark side of greys and blacks? The relationship between colours and our state of mind is well established, but we don't often consciously notice how much different colours affect us or understand why we favour some over others. Emma Leith is known for her colourful crochet, and has designed 35 projects that will bring you the psychological benefits of working with different shades, along with the enjoyment of creating beautiful items for the home and to wear. There is a chapter for each season, to reflect the colours of nature in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and then a chapter of 'four seasons' designs, showing you how to mix shades from different times of the year. With notes on the colour therapy benefits of different patterns, and suggestions for switching shades to suit your own preferences, you will soon be crocheting in full colour.

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