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Lord, How Did I Get This Old So Soon?: Prayers and Promises to Brighten Your Day

par Karen O'Connor

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Need a quick pick-me-up? A brief communion with God? Bestselling author and gentle humorist Karen O'Connor offers simple-yet-beautiful prayers that reveal God's heart and the blessings he gives. Each uplifting meditation helps you talk with God about your needs and thank him for his love and provision. "Thank you, Lord, that it's never too late to dream a new dream, to start a new job, to repair an injured relationship, to make a new friend, to draw closer to you. Whatever I need, you provide?and more... I can go outside and actively participate in what's going on. Life isn't over until you call me home! Amen." These short prayers are arranged by season to reflect the time of year or how you're feeling. From praying for your grandkids to praising God for lovely flowers, and from dealing with illness to enjoying loving relationships, these short devotions highlight the positives, offer hope during difficult times, and point to God for the joys to come.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parChampaignChurch, RonaldMetz, mtgilead

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Need a quick pick-me-up? A brief communion with God? Bestselling author and gentle humorist Karen O'Connor offers simple-yet-beautiful prayers that reveal God's heart and the blessings he gives. Each uplifting meditation helps you talk with God about your needs and thank him for his love and provision. "Thank you, Lord, that it's never too late to dream a new dream, to start a new job, to repair an injured relationship, to make a new friend, to draw closer to you. Whatever I need, you provide?and more... I can go outside and actively participate in what's going on. Life isn't over until you call me home! Amen." These short prayers are arranged by season to reflect the time of year or how you're feeling. From praying for your grandkids to praising God for lovely flowers, and from dealing with illness to enjoying loving relationships, these short devotions highlight the positives, offer hope during difficult times, and point to God for the joys to come.

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