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Warrior (Princesses of Myth #2)

par Joanne Wadsworth

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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Science Fiction. HTML:Magio-Earth, #32

To love and protect...across worlds.

Eighteen-year-old Hope Wincrest calls the Outback of Australia her home away from home. She is a princess of Dralion from the planet Magio, where the two leading nations are at war. While in the Outback, Hope is warned by her warrior father--who holds the prophetic ability of forethought--that she is about to meet an enemy protector. She doesn't expect him to be her soul-bound mate, a man she must now work with to piece together her unknown mother's lost heritage.

Peacio's Silas Carver follows the calling of his soul to Australia, only not all goes as planned. Discovering Hope is his mate has him demanding his release from their bond. She agrees, but only if he first helps her learn about her mother.

Hope must lay her life in Silas's hands during a journey which takes them deep into foreign lands. Waging a battle of the heart, and of the land, can the young mated pair find their place with each other?

64,848 Words.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Science Fiction. HTML:Magio-Earth, #32

To love and protect...across worlds.

Eighteen-year-old Hope Wincrest calls the Outback of Australia her home away from home. She is a princess of Dralion from the planet Magio, where the two leading nations are at war. While in the Outback, Hope is warned by her warrior father--who holds the prophetic ability of forethought--that she is about to meet an enemy protector. She doesn't expect him to be her soul-bound mate, a man she must now work with to piece together her unknown mother's lost heritage.

Peacio's Silas Carver follows the calling of his soul to Australia, only not all goes as planned. Discovering Hope is his mate has him demanding his release from their bond. She agrees, but only if he first helps her learn about her mother.

Hope must lay her life in Silas's hands during a journey which takes them deep into foreign lands. Waging a battle of the heart, and of the land, can the young mated pair find their place with each other?

64,848 Words.

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