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Early Bird Ocean (Early Birds)

par Educational Publishers Evan-Moor

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This product is currently on backorder. Foster a love of reading and help your child get ready for kindergarten. Your child will enjoy the illustrated stories and activities, which are related to ocean plants and animals and protecting ocean life by keeping beaches clean. You will appreciate the engaging language, math, and alphabet card activities that teach basic reading and math readiness skills. Early Bird: Ocean includes: Three colorful storybooks: 1, 2, 3 What Do You See?, I Live in the Ocean, and Clean It Up! Your child can read the story aloud or listen to you read the story to him or her. The interesting topics and illustrations motivate children to read. Fun activities that provide age-appropriate practice of language, math, and fine motor skills. After each story, the activity pages help your child show what he or she learned and practice fundamental skills. Sample skills include: Following directions; story comprehension; left-to-right tracking Counting to 20; geometric shapes; graphing Rhymes and chantsto help your child learn new vocabulary Theme-based alphabet cards with games. The flashcards can be cut and sorted to play fun matching games with your child. Hands-on activities further help your child learn letters and their sounds. Answer key Watch this short videoto see the Early Bird books in action.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parBrandy514, Zoya12b

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This product is currently on backorder. Foster a love of reading and help your child get ready for kindergarten. Your child will enjoy the illustrated stories and activities, which are related to ocean plants and animals and protecting ocean life by keeping beaches clean. You will appreciate the engaging language, math, and alphabet card activities that teach basic reading and math readiness skills. Early Bird: Ocean includes: Three colorful storybooks: 1, 2, 3 What Do You See?, I Live in the Ocean, and Clean It Up! Your child can read the story aloud or listen to you read the story to him or her. The interesting topics and illustrations motivate children to read. Fun activities that provide age-appropriate practice of language, math, and fine motor skills. After each story, the activity pages help your child show what he or she learned and practice fundamental skills. Sample skills include: Following directions; story comprehension; left-to-right tracking Counting to 20; geometric shapes; graphing Rhymes and chantsto help your child learn new vocabulary Theme-based alphabet cards with games. The flashcards can be cut and sorted to play fun matching games with your child. Hands-on activities further help your child learn letters and their sounds. Answer key Watch this short videoto see the Early Bird books in action.

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