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Vespertine par Margaret Rogerson

Vespertine (édition 2022)

par Margaret Rogerson (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
8362227,286 (4.28)23
Fantasy. Horror. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:An international bestseller!

From the New York Times bestselling author of Sorcery of Thorns and An Enchantment of Ravens comes a thrilling, "dark coming-of-age adventure" (Culturess) about a teen girl with mythic abilities who must defend her world against restless spirits of the dead.
The spirits of the dead do not rest.

Artemisia is training to be a Gray Sister, a nun who cleanses the bodies of the deceased so that their souls can pass on; otherwise, they will rise as ravenous, hungry spirits. She would rather deal with the dead than the living, who whisper about her scarred hands and troubled past.

When her convent is attacked by possessed soldiers, Artemisia defends it by awakening an ancient spirit bound to a saint's relic. It is a revenant, a malevolent being whose extraordinary power almost consumes herâ??but death has come, and only a vespertine, a priestess trained to wield a high relic, has any chance of stopping it. With all knowledge of vespertines lost to time, Artemisia turns to the last remaining expert for help: the revenant itself.

As she unravels a sinister mystery of saints, secrets, and dark magic, Artemisia discovers that facing this hidden evil might require her to betray everything she believesâ??if the revenant doesn't betray her
… (plus d'informations)
Auteurs:Margaret Rogerson (Auteur)
Info:Margaret K. McElderry Books (2022), Edition: Reprint, 416 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:unread, YA, fantasy

Information sur l'oeuvre

Vespertine par Margaret Rogerson

  1. 00
    Penric's Demon par Lois McMaster Bujold (Corinne-pixel)
    Corinne-pixel: Both have a person become an unlikely host to a powerful entity that they treat with kindness and respect, against convention.
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    Corinne-pixel: The main characters of these two are similar; both are feared by their fellows but they are actually a kind person who will do everything in their (considerable) power to help others.

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» Voir aussi les 23 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 22 (suivant | tout afficher)
3.5 ( )
  calvson | Jul 13, 2024 |
Absolutely phenomenal! My only complaint is that it is too short and I need a sequel right away please. ( )
  staygoldsunshine | Apr 23, 2024 |
This is the second book I've read for free by this author on

I really like her books. Her world-building is great. She approaches fantasy tropes in new and interesting ways.

Something happened a long time ago called the Sorrows, where a man trying to cheat death when his wife died by using Old Magic, has unintended consequences. ow when people die, if they aren't properly consecrated, they come back as spirits. The spirits are sometimes harmless, but most times malevolent, killing living souls.

The spirits can be contained and frequently used in relics. The highest level of spirits are the most difficult to contain and use. But lowly novice nun is possessed by a high=level spirit who only wants to be free. Is it telling the truth or lying. It ould kill every living thing in an entire city, including the grass and bigs, if it was set free. Can they trust each other and defeat a malevolent high-order spirit? Or is Artemsia trading one dread ending for another?

The ending is complete, but there is room for sequels if the author wishes it. I'd read more set in this world. ( )
  jezebellydancer | Nov 17, 2023 |
The dead of Loraille do not rest.

Artemisia is training to be a Gray Sister, a nun who cleanses the bodies of the deceased so that their souls can pass on; otherwise, they will rise as spirits with a ravenous hunger for the living. She would rather deal with the dead than the living, who trade whispers about her scarred hands and troubled past.

When her convent is attacked by possessed soldiers, Artemisia defends it by awakening an ancient spirit bound to a saint’s relic. It is a revenant, a malevolent being that threatens to possess her the moment she drops her guard. Wielding its extraordinary power almost consumes her—but death has come to Loraille, and only a vespertine, a priestess trained to wield a high relic, has any chance of stopping it. With all knowledge of vespertines lost to time, Artemisia turns to the last remaining expert for help: the revenant itself.

As she unravels a sinister mystery of saints, secrets, and dark magic, her bond with the revenant grows. And when a hidden evil begins to surface, she discovers that facing this enemy might require her to betray everything she has been taught to believe—if the revenant doesn’t betray her first.
  rachelprice14 | Nov 16, 2023 |
Vespertine differs from the other books I've read by Ms. Rogerson. I was travelling and hiking, which means that I had to listen to the book in segments. I don't feel like I really could get into it because of the large amounts of time between listening.

Possessed by a demon, Artemisia saves herself by burning her hands to oust the demon. Her family fails to realize that she is possessed, so they keep her in a shed. A nun saves her and brings her to the nunnery--although it's not called a nunnery. Some nuns fight spirits and control spirits with relics. The relics contain the spirits, but they must be controlled or they can be possessed. People who can see the spirits have "the sight." Artemisia fails to make friends because she's a bit "different." People try to stay away from her. She's quiet, doesn't talk, and has burned hands. People find her deformity uncomfortable to be around.

Artemisia doesn't want to take the "exam" that determines your future because she wants to stay where she is. Fate determines a totally different path for her. When an attack occurs, Artemisia is sent to get the saint (nun) who can "wield" the revenant, an evil spirit contained by a relic. The saint dies passing the relic to Artemisia. Few people can wield a high relic and Artemisia has no training, so she converses with the revenant herself. This ability is unheard of, so she keeps it a secret. People stay away from her anyway because she's strange, but now she seems to talk to herself. She is now the hope to save everyone now that attacks are occurring.

I really enjoyed the book because I liked Artemisia and the revenant. The revenant has a clear personality and tries to take care of Artemisia because she doesn't know how to take care of herself. The way we judge others based on looks and fail to really help one another. We can't be isolated, but we truly need one another to fight the evils of the world. It's a different and serious book, but I really enjoyed the way it all ended up. ( )
  acargile | Aug 7, 2023 |
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Davies, CaitlinNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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If I hadn't come to the convent's cemetery to be alone, I wouldn't have noticed the silver gleam of the censer lying abandoned at the base of a tombstone.
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Fantasy. Horror. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:An international bestseller!

From the New York Times bestselling author of Sorcery of Thorns and An Enchantment of Ravens comes a thrilling, "dark coming-of-age adventure" (Culturess) about a teen girl with mythic abilities who must defend her world against restless spirits of the dead.
The spirits of the dead do not rest.

Artemisia is training to be a Gray Sister, a nun who cleanses the bodies of the deceased so that their souls can pass on; otherwise, they will rise as ravenous, hungry spirits. She would rather deal with the dead than the living, who whisper about her scarred hands and troubled past.

When her convent is attacked by possessed soldiers, Artemisia defends it by awakening an ancient spirit bound to a saint's relic. It is a revenant, a malevolent being whose extraordinary power almost consumes herâ??but death has come, and only a vespertine, a priestess trained to wield a high relic, has any chance of stopping it. With all knowledge of vespertines lost to time, Artemisia turns to the last remaining expert for help: the revenant itself.

As she unravels a sinister mystery of saints, secrets, and dark magic, Artemisia discovers that facing this hidden evil might require her to betray everything she believesâ??if the revenant doesn't betray her

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