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Nice Work

par Peter Cheyney

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The guy in the dirty grey fedora looked like he might have come out of the Bellevue Morgue-off a slab. He was big and his jaw jutted over the edge of his upturned coat collar. His eyes shifted all over as if he was waiting for somebody to pick up any time. His shoes were broken and the upper of one had gone rotten with wet. Each time he took a step it squelched. His fingers, inside his coat-pocket, were clasped round the butt of a .38 police Positive that had once been issued to a copper who got himself cited for bravery in the line of duty the day after they buried him. He turned off Bowery at Kenmare. He was limping. He had a blister on his right foot where the shoe was broken. He hastened his steps with an effort. On Mott he saw the newsboy. The limping guy looked around, and worked up slowly towards the boy. The boy made a play of selling him a news-sheet. The limping guy took it. On the front page he could see his own picture, and across the top of the sheet was a banner caption-"Fremer Breaks Jail-Kills Two Guards." That was him! This is a classic short story featuring Peter Cheyney's popular detective Lemmy Caution.… (plus d'informations)
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The guy in the dirty grey fedora looked like he might have come out of the Bellevue Morgue-off a slab. He was big and his jaw jutted over the edge of his upturned coat collar. His eyes shifted all over as if he was waiting for somebody to pick up any time. His shoes were broken and the upper of one had gone rotten with wet. Each time he took a step it squelched. His fingers, inside his coat-pocket, were clasped round the butt of a .38 police Positive that had once been issued to a copper who got himself cited for bravery in the line of duty the day after they buried him. He turned off Bowery at Kenmare. He was limping. He had a blister on his right foot where the shoe was broken. He hastened his steps with an effort. On Mott he saw the newsboy. The limping guy looked around, and worked up slowly towards the boy. The boy made a play of selling him a news-sheet. The limping guy took it. On the front page he could see his own picture, and across the top of the sheet was a banner caption-"Fremer Breaks Jail-Kills Two Guards." That was him! This is a classic short story featuring Peter Cheyney's popular detective Lemmy Caution.

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