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Redeemed Special Edition (Dirty Air Special…

Redeemed Special Edition (Dirty Air Special Edition) (édition 2021)

par Lauren Asher (Auteur)

Séries: Dirty Air (4)

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311387,445 (4.38)Aucun
Santiago Alatorre One mistake destroys my career. I go from most eligible bachelor to monster, hiding from the world. At least until Chloe breaks into my home. My new fake girlfriend is a temporary fix to my biggest problem. But as our game changes, so do my feelings. There's only one issue stopping me from claiming her. Me. Chloe Carter It all started with a birthday wish, some vodka, and an ancestry kit. That's how I end up in Italy, finding my long-lost father. But one decision lands me a fake boyfriend I don't want. The more we pretend, the easier our ruse becomes. I told myself not to fall in love with a liar like Santiago. I should have listened. Contains mature themes.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Redeemed Special Edition (Dirty Air Special Edition)
Auteurs:Lauren Asher (Auteur)
Info:Lauren Asher (2021), 480 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Redeemed par Lauren Asher


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❤️ (ex)Formula 1 driver with a disability (Drove for a fictional team that is Ferrari-esque)
🖤 FMC is an accidental trespasser
❤️ Dual POV
🖤 Disability / amputee rep - really good depth into different types of prosthesis and therapies
❤️ Fake Dating
🖤 Beauty and the Beast vibes
❤️ Finding lost family / relations
🖤 TW: FMC is the child of an abusive, drug addicted mother.

For the final book in this truly gripping series, we come back to a favorite character from book 1, Santiago, brother of Maya. We start by seeing him take one of his famous risky moves in a race and having it cost him a leg after a very nasty crash. Fast forward to a few years later and Santiago has learned to live with his disability. He keeps himself in shape and focuses on hobbies to keep his mind busy, but he's alone. He isolates himself from friends and family and the life of racing that he once loved because it's too painful to focus on what he lost.

Enter Chloe: a woman with a complicated past who is on a mission to find her father. After a troubled childhood overshadowed by a drug addicted mother and time in the foster care system, Chloe does a DNA test kit and ends up in Italy on a mission to find her father, a man her mother could never remember. Through a wild series of events, she ends up bumping into Santiago and accidentally becoming his fake girlfriend. The ridiculousness of it had me cracking up in the best way.

What starts as a simple arrangement quickly morphs into something more. Meeting Chloe wakes something up in Santiago, something he thought was long forgotten. She inspires him to be vulnerable, but also to find new strength and new hope. She encourages him in all the ways he didn't even realize he needed, all while he becomes a surprising support system for her as well. These two really show what it means to support someone and learn to love them unconditionally, even if they have a hard time loving themselves. I was really inspired by their connection and all of the positive turns both of their lives took as they learned to accept love for both each other and themselves.

Bonus note: this had some really great amputee rep. As someone with a close relation who has gone through a lot of the same kinds of pain, therapies, recovery procedures, etc, this book did a really good job showcasing the extremely varied aspects of living with that kind of disability. To see a character go through the hardships and hurdles (both mental and physical) that Santiago experiences was so raw and true, and I want to give kudos to the author for doing such a good job to provide this much needed rep. ( )
  Victinerary | Oct 12, 2023 |

❤️ (ex)Formula 1 driver with a disability (Drove for a fictional team that is Ferrari-esque)
🖤 FMC is an accidental trespasser
❤️ Dual POV
🖤 Disability / amputee rep - really good depth into different types of prosthesis and therapies
❤️ Fake Dating
🖤 Beauty and the Beast vibes
❤️ Finding lost family / relations
🖤 TW: FMC is the child of an abusive, drug addicted mother.

For the final book in this truly gripping series, we come back to a favorite character from book 1, Santiago, brother of Maya. We start by seeing him take one of his famous risky moves in a race and having it cost him a leg after a very nasty crash. Fast forward to a few years later and Santiago has learned to live with his disability. He keeps himself in shape and focuses on hobbies to keep his mind busy, but he's alone. He isolates himself from friends and family and the life of racing that he once loved because it's too painful to focus on what he lost.

Enter Chloe: a woman with a complicated past who is on a mission to find her father. After a troubled childhood overshadowed by a drug addicted mother and time in the foster care system, Chloe does a DNA test kit and ends up in Italy on a mission to find her father, a man her mother could never remember. Through a wild series of events, she ends up bumping into Santiago and accidentally becoming his fake girlfriend. The ridiculousness of it had me cracking up in the best way.

What starts as a simple arrangement quickly morphs into something more. Meeting Chloe wakes something up in Santiago, something he thought was long forgotten. She inspires him to be vulnerable, but also to find new strength and new hope. She encourages him in all the ways he didn't even realize he needed, all while he becomes a surprising support system for her as well. These two really show what it means to support someone and learn to love them unconditionally, even if they have a hard time loving themselves. I was really inspired by their connection and all of the positive turns both of their lives took as they learned to accept love for both each other and themselves.

Bonus note: this had some really great amputee rep. As someone with a close relation who has gone through a lot of the same kinds of pain, therapies, recovery procedures, etc, this book did a really good job showcasing the extremely varied aspects of living with that kind of disability. To see a character go through the hardships and hurdles (both mental and physical) that Santiago experiences was so raw and true, and I want to give kudos to the author for doing such a good job to provide this much needed rep. ( )
  Victinerary | Jul 18, 2023 |
Werd echt door het verhaal meegenomen en voelde de emoties. De trope was goed verwerk in het verhaal en ik had ook echt shok momenten. Ik heb genoten van dit boek ( )
  DailyvdVorst | Dec 28, 2022 |
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Santiago Alatorre One mistake destroys my career. I go from most eligible bachelor to monster, hiding from the world. At least until Chloe breaks into my home. My new fake girlfriend is a temporary fix to my biggest problem. But as our game changes, so do my feelings. There's only one issue stopping me from claiming her. Me. Chloe Carter It all started with a birthday wish, some vodka, and an ancestry kit. That's how I end up in Italy, finding my long-lost father. But one decision lands me a fake boyfriend I don't want. The more we pretend, the easier our ruse becomes. I told myself not to fall in love with a liar like Santiago. I should have listened. Contains mature themes.

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4 6
4.5 1
5 8

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