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The Crown of Gilded Bones par Jennifer L.…

The Crown of Gilded Bones (édition 2021)

par Jennifer L. Armentrout (Auteur)

Séries: Blood and Ash (3)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,954218,831 (4.14)6
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Bow Before Your Queen Or Bleed Before Her...

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes book three in her Blood and Ash series.

She's been the victim and the survivor...

Poppy never dreamed she would find the love she's found with Prince Casteel. She wants to revel in her happiness but first they must free his brother and find hers. It's a dangerous mission and one with far-reaching consequences neither dreamed of. Because Poppy is the Chosen, the Blessed. The true ruler of Atlantia. She carries the blood of the King of Gods within her. By right the crown and the kingdom are hers.

The enemy and the warrior...

Poppy has only ever wanted to control her own life, not the lives of others, but now she must choose to either forsake her birthright or seize the gilded crown and become the Queen of Flesh and Fire. But as the kingdoms' dark sins and blood-drenched secrets finally unravel, a long-forgotten power rises to pose a genuine threat. And they will stop at nothing to ensure that the crown never sits upon Poppy's head.

A lover and heartmate...

But the greatest threat to them and to Atlantia is what awaits in the far west, where the Queen of Blood and Ash has her own plans, ones she has waited hundreds of years to carry out. Poppy and Casteel must consider the impossibletravel to the Lands of the Gods and wake the King himself. And as shocking secrets and the harshest betrayals come to light, and enemies emerge to threaten everything Poppy and Casteel have fought for, they will discover just how far they are willing to go for their peopleand each other.

And now she will become Queen...

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Crown of Gilded Bones
Auteurs:Jennifer L. Armentrout (Auteur)
Info:Blue Box Press (2021), 657 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Crown of Gilded Bones par Jennifer L. Armentrout


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» Voir aussi les 6 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 19 (suivant | tout afficher)
I love this series. I love kieran. ( )
  Megan_Demers | Jan 27, 2024 |
Action packed, characters develop and Poppy comes into her own, return of characters, plot twists, journeys to meet gods, family reunions, slices of happiness, sprinkles of dread, tragedy and crowning moments- this book has it all. And steamy scenes and all I can say is Willa!!! Love the humor and connections and can't wait till the next book ( )
  huyen | Jan 27, 2024 |
I’m so infatuated with Poppy and Chas’s story so I can’t deny that I loved this book. It’s not as wonderful as the two books before but it was still a solid continuation. ( )
  EnchantedCabin | Jan 20, 2024 |
Not a lot happened on this one. A little disappointing. ( )
  Danielle.Desrochers | Oct 10, 2023 |
Maybe I will pick it up later on but I just couldn't get through it. I don't mind a little to medium smut but it was getting to the point I was skipping pages just to get past it then to make it even worst I forgot what the heck the story was about. I loved the 1st two but this one unfortunately was a DNF for me. I got as far as chapter 17. ( )
  Enid007 | Oct 4, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 19 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Dedicated to the heroes—the healthcare workers, first responders, essential workers and researchers who have worked tirelessly and endlessly to save lives and to keep stores open all around the globe, at great risk to their own lives and the lives of their loved ones, thank you.
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"Lower your swords," Queen Eloana commanded, her hair shining a glossy onyx in the sun as she sank onto one knee.
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You are the foundation that helps me stand. You are my walls and my roof. My shelter. You are my home.”
His lashes swept up, the amber of his eyes churning wildly. “As you are mine, Poppy."
Bravery is a fleeting beast, isn’t it? Always there to get you into trouble, but quick to disappear once you’re where you want to be.
Life doesn't wait to hand you a new puzzle until you've figured out the last one.
I know you’re strong and so resilient it’s fucking unbelievable, but you don’t have to always be strong with me. It’s okay to not be okay when you’re with me … It’s my duty as your husband to make sure you feel safe enough to be real.
The villain is always the hero in their story, aren't they?
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Bow Before Your Queen Or Bleed Before Her...

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes book three in her Blood and Ash series.

She's been the victim and the survivor...

Poppy never dreamed she would find the love she's found with Prince Casteel. She wants to revel in her happiness but first they must free his brother and find hers. It's a dangerous mission and one with far-reaching consequences neither dreamed of. Because Poppy is the Chosen, the Blessed. The true ruler of Atlantia. She carries the blood of the King of Gods within her. By right the crown and the kingdom are hers.

The enemy and the warrior...

Poppy has only ever wanted to control her own life, not the lives of others, but now she must choose to either forsake her birthright or seize the gilded crown and become the Queen of Flesh and Fire. But as the kingdoms' dark sins and blood-drenched secrets finally unravel, a long-forgotten power rises to pose a genuine threat. And they will stop at nothing to ensure that the crown never sits upon Poppy's head.

A lover and heartmate...

But the greatest threat to them and to Atlantia is what awaits in the far west, where the Queen of Blood and Ash has her own plans, ones she has waited hundreds of years to carry out. Poppy and Casteel must consider the impossibletravel to the Lands of the Gods and wake the King himself. And as shocking secrets and the harshest betrayals come to light, and enemies emerge to threaten everything Poppy and Casteel have fought for, they will discover just how far they are willing to go for their peopleand each other.

And now she will become Queen...


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