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These Hollow Vows par Lexi Ryan

These Hollow Vows

par Lexi Ryan (Auteur)

Séries: These Hollow Vows (1)

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1,2021717,020 (4.05)1
Brie hates the Fae and refuses to have anything to do with them, even if that means starving on the street. But when her sister is sold to the sadistic king of the Unseelie court to pay a debt, she'll do whatever it takes to get her back--including making a deal with the king himself to steal three magical relics from the Seelie court. Gaining unfettered access to the Seelie court is easier said than done. Brie's only choice is to pose as a potential bride for Prince Ronan, and she soon finds herself falling for him. Unwilling to let her heart distract her, she accepts help from a band of Unseelie misfits with their own secret agenda. As Brie spends time with their mysterious leader, Finn, she struggles to resist his seductive charm. Caught between two dangerous courts, Brie must decide who to trust with her loyalty. And with her heart.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:These Hollow Vows
Auteurs:Lexi Ryan (Auteur)
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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These Hollow Vows par Lexi Ryan


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Second time reading it

Just when you think u should root for a twist comes about. This is the second time I have read this because I love it so much. ( )
  Enid007 | Apr 16, 2024 |

If ACOTAR and The Cruel Prince had a baby, and the baby was fairly middling..... It would be this book.


I really liked it. It was fun. Can you blame me?

The love triangle felt like a better Rhys x Feyre x Tamlin from ACOTAR...... mostly.
Except two things are really bugging me...
1- Finn obviously cares about her and also his kingdom and he even says stuff about how he doesn't want to try and get the crown before she knows the truth... so why does Brie think that he's using her/why doesn't he clarify???
2- Why did she never stop to think that maybe Sebastian knew all along who she was? That he sought her out for this purpose??? Not for one second before you bond?! Come on

The politics reminded me of a worse Cruel Prince- the strong female protagonist had some autonomy, but it was mostly that there were lots of twists because people couldn't communicate because AHA fae magic bonds make you lie!!! And if not outright lie you have to skirt around very important truths! Which felt kind of dumb. Especially because it was the only type of fae magic that actually happened.

But,,,, again. It was fun, and the most fun one of these YA fae books have been in a minute. ( )
  telamy | Nov 6, 2023 |
good story, the writing isn’t great though

*spoiler warning*
The writing just feels a bit off to me. Like some parts happen too fast or aren’t believable. For example, when she tells bash she has magic he’s just like cool ok. She never shows him what she can do or anything like that. Also I feel like it’s too obvious that she’s gonna end up with Finn (haven’t even read the next book but it seems like it was heavily hinted at the entire book). Idk. It’s a lot like a court of thorns and roses by Sarah j Maas but not as good. ( )
  willowzz | Jun 27, 2023 |
3.5 stars rounded up to 4. ( )
  jax_hughes | Jun 27, 2023 |
These Hollow Vows follows Abriella, who is determined to save her sister after the Unseelie King buys her. How can she do it? She must infiltrate the Seelie court, pretending to be a potential bride for the prince, and steal three items from them, for the Unseelie King.

Book 1 of 2 (so far) ( )
  jsilva482517 | Feb 15, 2023 |
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Brie hates the Fae and refuses to have anything to do with them, even if that means starving on the street. But when her sister is sold to the sadistic king of the Unseelie court to pay a debt, she'll do whatever it takes to get her back--including making a deal with the king himself to steal three magical relics from the Seelie court. Gaining unfettered access to the Seelie court is easier said than done. Brie's only choice is to pose as a potential bride for Prince Ronan, and she soon finds herself falling for him. Unwilling to let her heart distract her, she accepts help from a band of Unseelie misfits with their own secret agenda. As Brie spends time with their mysterious leader, Finn, she struggles to resist his seductive charm. Caught between two dangerous courts, Brie must decide who to trust with her loyalty. And with her heart.

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