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We Are the Brennans par Tracey Lange

We Are the Brennans (original 2021; édition 2021)

par Tracey Lange (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
7064133,760 (3.8)5
Fiction. Literature. HTML:


In the vein of Mary Beth Keane's Ask Again, Yes and Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney's The Nest,
Tracey Lange's We Are the Brennans explores the staying power of shame??and the redemptive power of love??in an Irish Catholic family torn apart by secrets.
When twenty-nine-year-old Sunday Brennan wakes up in a Los Angeles hospital, bruised and battered after a drunk driving accident she caused, she swallows her pride and goes home to her family in New York. But it's not easy. She deserted them all??and her high school sweetheart??five years before with little explanation, and they've got questions.
Sunday is determined to rebuild her life back on the east coast, even if it does mean tiptoeing around resentful brothers and an ex-fiancé. The longer she stays, however, the more she realizes they need her just as much as she needs them. When a dangerous man from her past brings her family's pub business to the brink of financial ruin, the only way to protect them is to upend all their secrets??secrets that have damaged the family for generations and will threaten everything they know about their lives. In the aftermath, the Brennan family is forced to confront painful mistakes??and ultimately find a way for
… (plus d'informations)

Titre:We Are the Brennans
Auteurs:Tracey Lange (Auteur)
Info:Celadon Books (2021), 288 pages
Collections:Science fiction, Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:family relationships, family secrets, Irish-Americans

Information sur l'oeuvre

We Are the Brennans par Tracey Lange (2021)


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» Voir aussi les 5 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 41 (suivant | tout afficher)
“Sunday knew a thing or two about that: the terrible fallout that came with hiding shameful secrets from the people who mattered most” (72).

With old proverbs and familyisms from the beginning of this story, it’s easy to see that the Brennans are a family steeped in Irish Catholic tradition and tied by unwavering loyalty to one another—no matter how healthy (or unhealthy) it may be. This is a story about family secrets, the weight of hidden guilt and shame, and the consequences of being a Brennan guardian—guardians of secrets, guardians of family responsibilities, each one taking on the weight of things too difficult to handle on their own. Throughout this story, it’s easy to be completely drawn into the relationships between all the siblings—older brother Denny who acts as protector, only sister Sunday who nurtures and selflessly gives to everyone, middle brother Jackie who shelters secrets and acts as scapegoat, baby brother Shane who will be forever vulnerable and childlike, the one to be fiercely protected. And then there are those who have chosen to be part of the family, to enter the fold—Kale and Theresa—because they know that in the tight Brennan circle there’s unconditional togetherness and protection, a family facing life together. ( )
  lizallenknapp | Apr 20, 2024 |
Loved this story---messy family drama at its finest. There is just enough mess to make it fascinating and plenty of family love to round the edges. The novel begins with Sunday Brennan returning home after a five-year absence. As the book progresses, we learn what caused her to leave and whether she can really come back. Along the way Lange introduces us to all the family members in a deep exploration of their decisions, motivations and the consequential impact on others. Some readers had a problem with the ending, but I thought it left enough room for reader interpretation which I always appreciate. I loved Lange’s sophomore novel, The Connellys of County Down, so much and now this one even more. She has definitely become an auto-read author for me. ( )
  beebeereads | Apr 1, 2024 |
This book tells the story of the Brennan family, specifically the Brennan children. The Brennans own a pub named Brennans on Long Island.

Five years prior to the story starting, Sunday Brennan left the Island to move to California and pursue a writing career. The story starts when Sunday is brought to the hospital following a car accident. Her emergency contact is her brother, Denny, who comes out to California to see her and brings her home.

Once home, she helps out with the pub and trying to figure out the books. When she first runs into Kale, her boyfriend from 5 years ago, it is awkward. He's now married and has a son.

Between the pub's finances and Sunday's dad's declining health, it quickly becomes apparent that help is needed and Sunday and her siblings, along with Kale, work together to solve the problems plaguing the pub. ( )
  Cathie_Dyer | Feb 29, 2024 |
A well-written tale about a close-knit Irish-American family and the exponential problems birthed by the secrets they keep. Well-fleshed out characters. Smooth prose. ( )
  bschweiger | Feb 4, 2024 |
Three stars because it did suck me into the soap opera drama for a quick read. But it was totally predictable. ( )
  ellink | Jan 22, 2024 |
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Monday's child is fair of face
Tuesday's child is full of grace
Wednesday's child is full of woe
Thursday's child has far to go
Friday's child is loving and giving
Saturday's child works hard for his living . . .
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

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To Freddy
For making everything possible
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The grinding noise and vibration of the rumble strips under her passenger-side tires snapped Sunday to attention.
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You got to give trust to get it...
Shame and guilt are like plagues. And we Irish wield them like weapons and wear them like medals.
Family didn't mean hiding the hard stuff from each other, it meant facing it together.  And it meant forgiving each other.
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Fiction. Literature. HTML:


In the vein of Mary Beth Keane's Ask Again, Yes and Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney's The Nest,
Tracey Lange's We Are the Brennans explores the staying power of shame??and the redemptive power of love??in an Irish Catholic family torn apart by secrets.
When twenty-nine-year-old Sunday Brennan wakes up in a Los Angeles hospital, bruised and battered after a drunk driving accident she caused, she swallows her pride and goes home to her family in New York. But it's not easy. She deserted them all??and her high school sweetheart??five years before with little explanation, and they've got questions.
Sunday is determined to rebuild her life back on the east coast, even if it does mean tiptoeing around resentful brothers and an ex-fiancé. The longer she stays, however, the more she realizes they need her just as much as she needs them. When a dangerous man from her past brings her family's pub business to the brink of financial ruin, the only way to protect them is to upend all their secrets??secrets that have damaged the family for generations and will threaten everything they know about their lives. In the aftermath, the Brennan family is forced to confront painful mistakes??and ultimately find a way for

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