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Global administrative law : development and innovation

par Hugh Corder

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Global Administrative Law: Innovation and Development (first published as Acta Juridica 2009) brings together papers given at a workshop held in Cape Town in March 2008 - a joint venture between the New York University Law School and the Faculty of Law at the University of Cape Town. The papers critically explore the concept of Global Administrative Law in theory and its relevance to developing countries; the efficacy of regulatory regimes focused on international trade and finance; and recent developments in the crucially important area of intellectual property law. The lessons learned in the process will inform intellectual debate and assist in the development of practical measures in pursuit of the good governance of global power through the law.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parjayMoeketsi

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Global Administrative Law: Innovation and Development (first published as Acta Juridica 2009) brings together papers given at a workshop held in Cape Town in March 2008 - a joint venture between the New York University Law School and the Faculty of Law at the University of Cape Town. The papers critically explore the concept of Global Administrative Law in theory and its relevance to developing countries; the efficacy of regulatory regimes focused on international trade and finance; and recent developments in the crucially important area of intellectual property law. The lessons learned in the process will inform intellectual debate and assist in the development of practical measures in pursuit of the good governance of global power through the law.

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