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Entrare nell’opera: Processes and Performative Attitudes in Arte Povera

par Lara Conte

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It is impossible to imagine Arte Povera without Azioni Povere. From 1959 to 1979, the work of the artists associated with this movement was largely defined by actions. This richly illustrated publication examines Azioni Povere and its characteristics. For the first time it provides annotated catalogues raisonnés of the diverse actions. Furthermore, comprehensive photographic documentary material illustrates the virulence and vibrancy of this period in Italy. A picture essay serves as the prelude, followed by introductory essays and texts on the respective characteristics of the artistic praxis. Discussions with contemporary witnesses and entries on important keywords, incidents, and places, such as Aktionsraum 1 in Munich, the Piper Pluriclub in Turin, and Galerie L'Attico in Rome, complement the wide-ranging material, which was sourced from the archives of the artists, from artist estates, photographers, gallerists, and collectors. --Publisher's website.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parherronartlibrary

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It is impossible to imagine Arte Povera without Azioni Povere. From 1959 to 1979, the work of the artists associated with this movement was largely defined by actions. This richly illustrated publication examines Azioni Povere and its characteristics. For the first time it provides annotated catalogues raisonnés of the diverse actions. Furthermore, comprehensive photographic documentary material illustrates the virulence and vibrancy of this period in Italy. A picture essay serves as the prelude, followed by introductory essays and texts on the respective characteristics of the artistic praxis. Discussions with contemporary witnesses and entries on important keywords, incidents, and places, such as Aktionsraum 1 in Munich, the Piper Pluriclub in Turin, and Galerie L'Attico in Rome, complement the wide-ranging material, which was sourced from the archives of the artists, from artist estates, photographers, gallerists, and collectors. --Publisher's website.

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