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If I am missing or dead par Janine Latus

If I am missing or dead (édition 2006)

par Janine Latus

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7673730,427 (3.33)21
In April 2002, Janine Latus's youngest sister, Amy, wrote a note and taped it to the inside of her desk drawer: "Today Ron Ball and I are romantically involved, but I fear I have placed myself at risk in a variety of ways." That same spring Janine was struggling to leave her marriage, to a handsome and successful man--a marriage in which she felt afraid, controlled, inadequate, and trapped. Ten weeks later, Janine had left her marriage when she learned Amy was missing. It took more than two weeks to find Amy's body, and two years to convict her former boyfriend for her murder. Haunted, Janine turned her journalistic eye inward. How did two seemingly well-adjusted, successful women end up in physically or emotionally abusive relationships with men? The resulting book traces the roots of her own--and her sister's--victimization with unflinching candor, a heart-wrenching journey of discovery.--From publisher description.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:If I am missing or dead
Auteurs:Janine Latus
Info:New York : Simon & Schuster, [2006?]
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

If I Am Missing or Dead: A Sister's Story of Love, Murder, and Liberation par Janine Latus


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» Voir aussi les 21 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 38 (suivant | tout afficher)
Any woman who is dealing with a verbally or physically abusive husband needs to read this book. It's a cautionary--and true--story of how emotional violence can become deadly. And I don't mean to sound melodramatic, here, but that's the truth of it. ( )
  bookwrapt | Mar 31, 2023 |
I picked this book up in the true crime section of Half Price Books, expecting a memoir about the victim, something like [b:For Laci|20486443|For Laci|Sharon Rocha; Reader Staci Snell||32732187]. This book isn't about Amy Lynne Latus, who was killed by her live-in boyfriend, but it isn't really about Janine Latus, Amy's sister, either. This book is about Janine's long string of quasi-abusive relationships, all leading up to her abusive husband. Amy doesn't even go missing until the last 50 pages. The investigation of Amy's disappearance is glazed over, as is her body's eventual recovery and her funeral. Ron Ball's trial is barely mentioned at all.

I think I would have liked this book a lot more if it wasn't so wildly misrepresented. If this was just a memoir of Janine's history of abuse, I would have been more pleased with the book, because the writing is great and she has a valid story to tell. Before reading this book, it is essential to recognize it for what it is and isn't. ( )
  bookishblond | Oct 24, 2018 |
Greatly disappointed. The premise behind this book comes across as a story about a sister who was murdered. Maybe 2 chapters towards the very end talk about the death of her sister. The rest of the book is about the writer's life- her ups, down, and struggles. The explanation on the back of the book is very deceiving. ( )
  Chelz286 | Aug 26, 2018 |
A biography written about Janine's sister Amy, who is murdered by a guy she met online and came to live with her and took advantage of her. The sisters have one thing in common- both have poor self images due to a father that let them know how they looked was the most important thing a girl should do. ( )
  camplakejewel | Sep 21, 2017 |
This book is well written. It tells the story of Janine Latus, and her sister's death.

This book will leave you numb and broken. ( )
  shannon.dolgos | Sep 5, 2017 |
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Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. Above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.
— An inscription at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

Most of us would rather claim to have always been perfect than to admit how much we've grown.
From Blood Done Sign My Name by Tim Tyson
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For Amy
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July 9, 2002

Two months ago I left my husband, and now, for the first time in years, I am neither scared nor angry.
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In April 2002, Janine Latus's youngest sister, Amy, wrote a note and taped it to the inside of her desk drawer: "Today Ron Ball and I are romantically involved, but I fear I have placed myself at risk in a variety of ways." That same spring Janine was struggling to leave her marriage, to a handsome and successful man--a marriage in which she felt afraid, controlled, inadequate, and trapped. Ten weeks later, Janine had left her marriage when she learned Amy was missing. It took more than two weeks to find Amy's body, and two years to convict her former boyfriend for her murder. Haunted, Janine turned her journalistic eye inward. How did two seemingly well-adjusted, successful women end up in physically or emotionally abusive relationships with men? The resulting book traces the roots of her own--and her sister's--victimization with unflinching candor, a heart-wrenching journey of discovery.--From publisher description.

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Moyenne: (3.33)
0.5 1
1 7
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3 50
3.5 15
4 44
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5 23

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