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Learn Indonesian with Beginner Stories: Interlinear Indonesian to English (Learn Indonesian with Interlinear Stories for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Readers)

par Kees Van den End

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Do you want to learn Indonesian with real Indonesian stories? It's easy with Indonesian and interlinear English. This book contains 130+ pages of Indonesian Folk Tales with every word translated so you can keep on reading. We have added an interlinear translation to the Indonesian text. This means that the meaning of every Indonesian word is immediately accessible, which in turn will make it much easier for you to expand your Indonesian vocabulary fast. Use the following method to gain the most from this e-book. Read and re-read the stories to learn the words that occur often, then mark the words you don't know in your Kindle reader and practice those. That way you can memorize more than 1500 new Indonesian words. If you bought one of our e-books, and would like a version in pdf with different fonts, font sizes or font colors, just let us know and we'll provide you one! For example in case you need a bigger font and less words per page on your e-reader. Finally, we have a HypLern Reader App on Amazon that integrates reading with word practice, for more learning options.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parHuffarino, MargotK99

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Do you want to learn Indonesian with real Indonesian stories? It's easy with Indonesian and interlinear English. This book contains 130+ pages of Indonesian Folk Tales with every word translated so you can keep on reading. We have added an interlinear translation to the Indonesian text. This means that the meaning of every Indonesian word is immediately accessible, which in turn will make it much easier for you to expand your Indonesian vocabulary fast. Use the following method to gain the most from this e-book. Read and re-read the stories to learn the words that occur often, then mark the words you don't know in your Kindle reader and practice those. That way you can memorize more than 1500 new Indonesian words. If you bought one of our e-books, and would like a version in pdf with different fonts, font sizes or font colors, just let us know and we'll provide you one! For example in case you need a bigger font and less words per page on your e-reader. Finally, we have a HypLern Reader App on Amazon that integrates reading with word practice, for more learning options.

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