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Monster wie wir: Roman (German Edition) par…

Monster wie wir: Roman (German Edition) (édition 2020)

par Ulrike Almut Sandig (Auteur)

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A novel of two young friends growing up on divergent paths in the last days of Communist East Germany.   What is it like to be young and broken in a country that is on the brink of collapse? This is what acclaimed poet and sound artist Ulrike Almut Sandig shows us in her debut novel, through the story of old friends Ruth and Viktor in the last days of Communist East Germany. The two central characters are inseparable since kindergarten, but they are forced to go their different ways to escape their difficult childhood: Ruth into music and the life of a professional musician; Viktor into violence and a neo-Nazi gang. Monsters Like Us is a story of families, a story of abuse, a story about the search for redemption and the ways it takes shape over generations. More than anything, it is about the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, and who we want to be. Bold, brutal, and lyrical, this is a coming-of-age novel that charts the hidden violence of the world we live in today.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Monster wie wir: Roman (German Edition)
Auteurs:Ulrike Almut Sandig (Auteur)
Info:Schöffling & Co. (2020), Edition: 1, 198 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, À lire

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Monsters Like Us par Ulrike Almut Sandig


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Ulrike Almut Sandigauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Leeder, KarenTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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A novel of two young friends growing up on divergent paths in the last days of Communist East Germany.   What is it like to be young and broken in a country that is on the brink of collapse? This is what acclaimed poet and sound artist Ulrike Almut Sandig shows us in her debut novel, through the story of old friends Ruth and Viktor in the last days of Communist East Germany. The two central characters are inseparable since kindergarten, but they are forced to go their different ways to escape their difficult childhood: Ruth into music and the life of a professional musician; Viktor into violence and a neo-Nazi gang. Monsters Like Us is a story of families, a story of abuse, a story about the search for redemption and the ways it takes shape over generations. More than anything, it is about the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, and who we want to be. Bold, brutal, and lyrical, this is a coming-of-age novel that charts the hidden violence of the world we live in today.

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