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Eleven Unsung Heroes of Early Rock and Roll: Historic Contributions by Artists You Never Heard Of

par Dick Stewart

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The artists featured in "Eleven Unsung Heroes of Early Rock and Roll" are Jack Ely (vocalist of The Kingsmen's "Louie Louie" hit-45 release), the late Larry Knechtel (studio musician extraordinaire), Carl Bunch (drummer for Buddy Holly during his final tour), and singer/songwriter/guitarist Sonny Curtis (Crickets' guitarist, and composer of The Everly Brothers' "Walk Right Back" and Bobby Fuller's "I Fought the Law). Jimmy Torres of The String-A-Longs' "Wheels" fame has a story to tell, too, one in which is so violent that it's a miracle he survived and is still with us. Guitarist George Tomsco of the famed '60s guitar-instrumental Fireballs band appears here, too, as does the late great rock-and-roll inspirer, Clyde Hankins. Keith McCormack (composer of "Sugar Shack"), and Robert Kelly, who got his start in one of Jack Ruby's clubs in Dallas, Texas, are also spotlighted. Yes, that Jack Ruby-the infamous nightclub owner who shot and killed the alleged assassinator of President John F, Kennedy: Lee Harvey Oswald. The King of Fuzz Guitar, Davie Allan ("Blues Theme"), and Sonny West (rockabilly singer, guitarist and composer of Buddy Holly's "Oh Boy!" and "Rave On" fame) complete this magnificent presentation of eleven compelling, "pull no punches" biographies. Composed in article form, these interviews are in-depth, revealing and informative. Starting with each artist's childhood and continuing to the present, this book travels a multitude of miles. The tone is conversational and casual, making for consistently easy and interesting reading.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parGlennGarvin

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The artists featured in "Eleven Unsung Heroes of Early Rock and Roll" are Jack Ely (vocalist of The Kingsmen's "Louie Louie" hit-45 release), the late Larry Knechtel (studio musician extraordinaire), Carl Bunch (drummer for Buddy Holly during his final tour), and singer/songwriter/guitarist Sonny Curtis (Crickets' guitarist, and composer of The Everly Brothers' "Walk Right Back" and Bobby Fuller's "I Fought the Law). Jimmy Torres of The String-A-Longs' "Wheels" fame has a story to tell, too, one in which is so violent that it's a miracle he survived and is still with us. Guitarist George Tomsco of the famed '60s guitar-instrumental Fireballs band appears here, too, as does the late great rock-and-roll inspirer, Clyde Hankins. Keith McCormack (composer of "Sugar Shack"), and Robert Kelly, who got his start in one of Jack Ruby's clubs in Dallas, Texas, are also spotlighted. Yes, that Jack Ruby-the infamous nightclub owner who shot and killed the alleged assassinator of President John F, Kennedy: Lee Harvey Oswald. The King of Fuzz Guitar, Davie Allan ("Blues Theme"), and Sonny West (rockabilly singer, guitarist and composer of Buddy Holly's "Oh Boy!" and "Rave On" fame) complete this magnificent presentation of eleven compelling, "pull no punches" biographies. Composed in article form, these interviews are in-depth, revealing and informative. Starting with each artist's childhood and continuing to the present, this book travels a multitude of miles. The tone is conversational and casual, making for consistently easy and interesting reading.

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