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Writings of the young Marx on philosophy and…

Writings of the young Marx on philosophy and society (édition 1967)

par Karl Marx, Loyd David Easton, Kurt H. Guddat

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A reprint of the Doubleday edition of 1967. The most comprehensive one-volume collection in English of Marx's early writings (1835-1847) on the nature of religion, freedom of the press, the relation of the state to democracy, the humanistic critique of philosophical idealism, the alienation of humanity, and the relation of communism to historical praxis. Easton and Guddat's translations are based on the best German editions and on the study of original manuscripts and first editions. A substantial Introduction and detailed analytical headnotes indicate the significance and historical setting of each selection, as well as its relationship to Marx's other writings. With one exception (Defense of the Moselle Correspondent) each article, chapter, or book section is presented in its entirety, without internal deletions.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Writings of the young Marx on philosophy and society
Auteurs:Karl Marx
Autres auteurs:Loyd David Easton, Kurt H. Guddat
Info:Publisher Unknown (1967), 506 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society par Karl Marx


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  laplantelibrary | Jan 21, 2023 |
Good collection of Marx's early writings, including letter to his father, selections from critique of Hegel's of the state, critique of Hegel's philosophy of right, On the Jewish Question, selections from 1844 Manuscripts, Theses on Feuerbach, selections from holy family, german ideology and poverty of philosophy. Unfortunately missing some good bits as well, like the discussion of Adam Smith as the Luther of political economy in the 1844 Manuscripts. ( )
1 voter lukeasrodgers | Mar 17, 2010 |
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A reprint of the Doubleday edition of 1967. The most comprehensive one-volume collection in English of Marx's early writings (1835-1847) on the nature of religion, freedom of the press, the relation of the state to democracy, the humanistic critique of philosophical idealism, the alienation of humanity, and the relation of communism to historical praxis. Easton and Guddat's translations are based on the best German editions and on the study of original manuscripts and first editions. A substantial Introduction and detailed analytical headnotes indicate the significance and historical setting of each selection, as well as its relationship to Marx's other writings. With one exception (Defense of the Moselle Correspondent) each article, chapter, or book section is presented in its entirety, without internal deletions.

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