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The Men's Health Guide To Peak Conditioning

par Richard Laliberte

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* Hundreds of exercises for head-to-toe strength and energy * Conditioning programs for more than 40 lifestyles and interests * Buyers' guides for home equipment, health clubs, workout gear * Easy ways to integrate workouts into your busy day * Sleep, nutrition and time-management tips for peak power Achieve your perfect body! Finally-- a workout book for your body, your lifestyle, your goals. The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning is the first exercise book to let you put together a customized workout for exactly your needs. Play golf? Want a flatter belly? Got arthritis? Live in the country? Just turn 40? Rebounding from the flu? Have a job that leaves you without time or energy for exercise? No problem-- The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning has workouts for each of these cases and dozens of others. We start you with seven weight lifts, seven stretches and an aerobic program that cover the essential needs of most any man today. From there we show you how to customize a workout for: * Shaping your body (page 126) * Bicycling stronger, longer (page 176) * Living in the city (page 257) or country (page 261) * Ridding fat (page 134) * Improving your golf game (page 210) * Bolstering your immune system (page 304) * Exercising while traveling (page 151) * Squeezing in exercise at lunch (page 143) * Improving your sexual performance (page 169) And dozens more goals, lifestyles and preferences! But The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning doesn't just detail perfect workout routines. You'll also discover the definitive guide to integrating exercise into your busy life. Inside you'll find: * How to carve out all the time you need for exercise (page 16) * Surprising eating (page 9), sleeping (page 13) and attitude tips (page 19) for maximum qlfitness * Buyers' guides to gear (page 312), gyms (page 317), shoes (page 320) * Proper-technique tips for stair-climbers, treadmills, stationary bicycles and all the most popular indoor aerobic equipment (page 40) * How to give and get a perfect massage (page 299) Written in the funny, conversational tine that has made Men's Health magazine the definitive voice of men today, and featuring more than 400 photos, The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning is the ultimate tool for achieving health, strength and vitality.… (plus d'informations)

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* Hundreds of exercises for head-to-toe strength and energy * Conditioning programs for more than 40 lifestyles and interests * Buyers' guides for home equipment, health clubs, workout gear * Easy ways to integrate workouts into your busy day * Sleep, nutrition and time-management tips for peak power Achieve your perfect body! Finally-- a workout book for your body, your lifestyle, your goals. The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning is the first exercise book to let you put together a customized workout for exactly your needs. Play golf? Want a flatter belly? Got arthritis? Live in the country? Just turn 40? Rebounding from the flu? Have a job that leaves you without time or energy for exercise? No problem-- The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning has workouts for each of these cases and dozens of others. We start you with seven weight lifts, seven stretches and an aerobic program that cover the essential needs of most any man today. From there we show you how to customize a workout for: * Shaping your body (page 126) * Bicycling stronger, longer (page 176) * Living in the city (page 257) or country (page 261) * Ridding fat (page 134) * Improving your golf game (page 210) * Bolstering your immune system (page 304) * Exercising while traveling (page 151) * Squeezing in exercise at lunch (page 143) * Improving your sexual performance (page 169) And dozens more goals, lifestyles and preferences! But The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning doesn't just detail perfect workout routines. You'll also discover the definitive guide to integrating exercise into your busy life. Inside you'll find: * How to carve out all the time you need for exercise (page 16) * Surprising eating (page 9), sleeping (page 13) and attitude tips (page 19) for maximum qlfitness * Buyers' guides to gear (page 312), gyms (page 317), shoes (page 320) * Proper-technique tips for stair-climbers, treadmills, stationary bicycles and all the most popular indoor aerobic equipment (page 40) * How to give and get a perfect massage (page 299) Written in the funny, conversational tine that has made Men's Health magazine the definitive voice of men today, and featuring more than 400 photos, The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning is the ultimate tool for achieving health, strength and vitality.

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