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Crazy Town: A Heroic Anthology of…

Crazy Town: A Heroic Anthology of Fantastical Crime Noir (Rogue Blades Presents) (édition 2018)

par Jason M Waltz (Directeur de publication), Peter Gnas (Photographe), Peter McLean (Avant-propos)

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Why do we call it crazy? There are no limits inside CRAZY TOWN. Here you can bet or buy the farm in the same breath. Ain't nobody believin' anyone here's playing with a full deck. Every one's stacked, and in this town, some got less and some got more cards. If you stop in for a visit, you'll find 13 daring folks who step into the dark, then poke the dirtiest corner of it; 13 inquisitive minds who dig into the slime, then stir up whatever twitches; 13 cynical souls who may not be able to save themselves but just might redeem something outta their miserable lives. Ya gotta be crazy to hang 'round these parts. This town? Lotsa crazies; coming here might not be just what the doc ordered. 13 authors deliver explosive, haunted action high on adrenaline and low on morals. Sin, sex, shots, secrets: it's all here in spades. Think Mike Hammer meets Roger Rabbit in Karl Edward Wagner's story "Into Whose Hands." Then take it a notch closer to crazy. These are definitely not Mayberry's streets. Pray they aren't yours. You've been warned.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Crazy Town: A Heroic Anthology of Fantastical Crime Noir (Rogue Blades Presents)
Auteurs:Jason M Waltz (Directeur de publication)
Autres auteurs:Peter Gnas (Photographe), Peter McLean (Avant-propos)
Info:Rogue Blades Entertainment (2018), 158 pages

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Crazy Town: A Dark Anthology of Fantastical Crime Noir (Rogue Blades Presents) par Jason M. Waltz

Récemment ajouté parRogueBlades

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Why do we call it crazy? There are no limits inside CRAZY TOWN. Here you can bet or buy the farm in the same breath. Ain't nobody believin' anyone here's playing with a full deck. Every one's stacked, and in this town, some got less and some got more cards. If you stop in for a visit, you'll find 13 daring folks who step into the dark, then poke the dirtiest corner of it; 13 inquisitive minds who dig into the slime, then stir up whatever twitches; 13 cynical souls who may not be able to save themselves but just might redeem something outta their miserable lives. Ya gotta be crazy to hang 'round these parts. This town? Lotsa crazies; coming here might not be just what the doc ordered. 13 authors deliver explosive, haunted action high on adrenaline and low on morals. Sin, sex, shots, secrets: it's all here in spades. Think Mike Hammer meets Roger Rabbit in Karl Edward Wagner's story "Into Whose Hands." Then take it a notch closer to crazy. These are definitely not Mayberry's streets. Pray they aren't yours. You've been warned.

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