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par Clair Poulson

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Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:

Fifteen-year-old Sparky Graves has been plagued by adversity all his life. Orphaned as a baby, he has been raised in a home where his adoptive brother Kal can do no wrong and Sparky is blamed for every misdeed. The reality, however, is that Kal is a cruel and manipulative bully whose escalating torment leaves Sparky with no choice: he has to run away.

After hitchhiking cross-country, Sparky finds a safe haven in the unlikeliest of places. On a dusty roadside in Southern Utah, the young man is taken in by Alfred Briggs, an elderly widower in desperate need of a farmhand. The two soon form an unbreakable bond, and for the first time, Sparky feels hopeâ??until his past catches up with him. There has been a murder in his hometown, and thanks to his brother, Sparky has been named the prime suspect. With his photograph all over the news and a manhunt underway, Sparky must rely on the help of his new friend and a young lady who has also come to help Alfred as he fights to prove his innocence and free himself from the grasp of his malevolent brother once and for all.… (plus d'informations)


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Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:

Fifteen-year-old Sparky Graves has been plagued by adversity all his life. Orphaned as a baby, he has been raised in a home where his adoptive brother Kal can do no wrong and Sparky is blamed for every misdeed. The reality, however, is that Kal is a cruel and manipulative bully whose escalating torment leaves Sparky with no choice: he has to run away.

After hitchhiking cross-country, Sparky finds a safe haven in the unlikeliest of places. On a dusty roadside in Southern Utah, the young man is taken in by Alfred Briggs, an elderly widower in desperate need of a farmhand. The two soon form an unbreakable bond, and for the first time, Sparky feels hopeâ??until his past catches up with him. There has been a murder in his hometown, and thanks to his brother, Sparky has been named the prime suspect. With his photograph all over the news and a manhunt underway, Sparky must rely on the help of his new friend and a young lady who has also come to help Alfred as he fights to prove his innocence and free himself from the grasp of his malevolent brother once and for all.

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