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Ladybird Toddler Touch Bedtime

par Ladybird Ladybird

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Ladybird's Toddler Touch books are the perfect follow-on from Ladybird's best-selling Baby Touch series, stimulating your busy toddler's curiosity through simple rhyming text, touch-and-feels and flaps, as they begin to explore the wider world around them. Instigating a familiar routine helps to structure a young child's day and adds a sense of reassurance and stability as they begin to remember what comes next. Toddler Touch- Bedtimeis designed to familiarise toddlers with a practical, reassuring bedtime routine, helping them to wind down and prepare for bed in a fun, interactive way. Each page focuses on a different part of the bedtime routine, from bathtime and putting on night clothes to brushing teeth, putting toys away and listening to a story before being tucked up tight. The book has sturdy tabbed edges for helping to turn the pages, and is full of things to touch and feel, including finger trails to follow throughout, holes to peek through and flaps to lift. It's great fun for an adult and child to share at the end of a busy day!… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parCelialiu123, Celialiu

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Ladybird's Toddler Touch books are the perfect follow-on from Ladybird's best-selling Baby Touch series, stimulating your busy toddler's curiosity through simple rhyming text, touch-and-feels and flaps, as they begin to explore the wider world around them. Instigating a familiar routine helps to structure a young child's day and adds a sense of reassurance and stability as they begin to remember what comes next. Toddler Touch- Bedtimeis designed to familiarise toddlers with a practical, reassuring bedtime routine, helping them to wind down and prepare for bed in a fun, interactive way. Each page focuses on a different part of the bedtime routine, from bathtime and putting on night clothes to brushing teeth, putting toys away and listening to a story before being tucked up tight. The book has sturdy tabbed edges for helping to turn the pages, and is full of things to touch and feel, including finger trails to follow throughout, holes to peek through and flaps to lift. It's great fun for an adult and child to share at the end of a busy day!

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