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The silent wife par Karin Slaughter

The silent wife (original 2020; édition 2020)

par Karin Slaughter

Séries: Grant County (7), Will Trent (10), Georgia (8), Sara Linton (14)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,1044119,038 (4.03)31
Investigating the killing of a prisoner during a riot inside a state penitentiary, GBI investigator Will Trent is confronted with disturbing information. One of the inmates claims that he is innocent of a brutal attack for which he has always been the prime suspect. The man insists that he was framed by a corrupt law enforcement team led by Jeffrey Tolliver and that the real culprit is still out there--a serial killer who has systematically been preying on women across the state for years. If Will reopens the investigation and implicates the dead police officer with a hero's reputation of wrongdoing, the opportunistic convict is willing to provide the information GBI needs about the riot murder. Only days ago, another young woman was viciously murdered in a state park in northern Georgia. Is it a fluke, or could there be a serial killer on the loose? As Will Trent digs into both crimes it becomes clear that he must solve the cold case in order to find the answer. Yet nearly a decade has passed--time for memories to fade, witnesses to vanish, evidence to disappear, and lies to become truth. But Will can't crack either mystery without the help of the one person he doesn't want involved: his girlfriend and Jeffrey Tolliver's widow, medical examiner Sara Linton. When the past and present begin to collide, Will realizes that everything he values is at stake...… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The silent wife
Auteurs:Karin Slaughter
Info:New York, NY : Harper Large Print, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2020.
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Silent Wife par Karin Slaughter (2020)


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» Voir aussi les 31 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 40 (suivant | tout afficher)
I loved the back-and-forth of this mystery and without giving too much away, it was great to go back in time and re-engage with characters from the past. One of them I don't think we're done with and I hope I'm right... oh yeah and it was a great mystery too! ( )
  olegalCA | Aug 25, 2024 |
This is the first book in the Will Trent series that I have read. It took me a while to sort out who was who, especially with the alternating timelines and all the intersecting story lines.
The pace in the second half of this story really picked up and I didn't want to stop reading this story.

I feel like I would benefit from starting this series from the beginning. Added to TBR. ( )
  Shauna_Morrison | Apr 28, 2024 |
This is the 10th book in the Will Trent series. The only other book I’ve read in this series is the 9th one, I don’t think it needs to be read to know what’s going on. The author does a really good job of filling you in on the characters’ past lives.
Will is an investigator with the GBI (Georgia Bureau of Investigation) and he’s investigating a prisoner killing during a riot. One of the inmates claims to have been framed by corrupt police officers, that he is innocent and that the real serial killer is still out there. Days before the prison riot, a young woman was murdered. Will must look into the previous crimes as well as the recent murder to determine if it’s the same person or someone else.
The story unfolds alternating between the past story and the current story. The past story involves Sara Linton and Jeffrey Tolliver. Sara is the medical examiner and Jeffrey is the police chief. They are investigating a series of murders of young women in which they were paralyzed and a trophy was taken from each one. The current story involves Sara and Will (with his team) investigating the current murder and determining if the inmate is innocent or not.
A forewarning, it can be graphic and disturbing at times, especially when describing the crime scenes and the autopsy proceedings. However, I’ve really enjoyed the 2 books in this series that I’ve read and am looking to read others in the series as well as others by this author.
( )
  Cathie_Dyer | Feb 29, 2024 |
Well done story, although I figured it out about 2/3 of the way through. I always enjoy Karin Slaughter's work.

This book could have benefitted from one more round of copy editing/proofing, as I found several typos, but that did nothing to deter my enjoyment of the story. ( )
  decaturmamaof2 | Nov 22, 2023 |
The Silent Wife (Will Trent #10) by Karin Slaughter

Will investigaes a (probable) serial killer. As he digs further he needs realizes he needs the help of his mate Sara (Linton) . Her husband (Jeffrey Tolliver) was on a case that is strikinly similar. Tensions arise the closer he gets to solving the cases.

The story moves at a steady pace with attention to detial. Complex well devloped characters adds to the compelling story. Suspnseful, intense, thrilling a good read. Fans of Karin Slaughter will not be disappoined in this Will Trent installment. ( )
  SheriAWilkinson | Nov 20, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 40 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Karin Slaughterauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Early, KathleenNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Beckey Caterino tuurde tot in de donkere uithoeken van de gezamenlijke koelkast.
Hoofdstuk 1

Will Trent ging verzitten om voor zijn lijf van één meter negentig wat beenruimte te vinden in de Mini van zijn collega.
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Investigating the killing of a prisoner during a riot inside a state penitentiary, GBI investigator Will Trent is confronted with disturbing information. One of the inmates claims that he is innocent of a brutal attack for which he has always been the prime suspect. The man insists that he was framed by a corrupt law enforcement team led by Jeffrey Tolliver and that the real culprit is still out there--a serial killer who has systematically been preying on women across the state for years. If Will reopens the investigation and implicates the dead police officer with a hero's reputation of wrongdoing, the opportunistic convict is willing to provide the information GBI needs about the riot murder. Only days ago, another young woman was viciously murdered in a state park in northern Georgia. Is it a fluke, or could there be a serial killer on the loose? As Will Trent digs into both crimes it becomes clear that he must solve the cold case in order to find the answer. Yet nearly a decade has passed--time for memories to fade, witnesses to vanish, evidence to disappear, and lies to become truth. But Will can't crack either mystery without the help of the one person he doesn't want involved: his girlfriend and Jeffrey Tolliver's widow, medical examiner Sara Linton. When the past and present begin to collide, Will realizes that everything he values is at stake...

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