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Calvario Hills Vol. 1 (Ignatz) par Marti

Calvario Hills Vol. 1 (Ignatz) (édition 2007)

par Marti (Auteur)

Séries: Ignatz Collection (16)

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13Aucun1,565,672 (4)1
Back in the 1980s, American comics aficionados were bowled over by thehardboiled Chester-Gould-on-crack stylings in the graphic novel TheCabbie courtesy of Spanish cartoonist Marti (who also made mind-blowingappearances in several anthologies, including RAW). Now, after a longdrought, Marti is finally back in the U.S.A. with a vengeance in the all-new"Ignatz" title Calvario Hills. The eponymous main story, set in anot-very-fictionalized American big city that mashes together elements ofChicago, New York, Los Angeles and Washington D.C., is a conspiracy fantasia inwhich the sinister NRA (spearheaded by Charlton "Preston") is attempting tosabotage the election to mayor of Marion "Parry," while an imprisoned gangsterkingpin, working the other side, schemes to enlist an army of crackheads to puthim over the top. Can you say... "entrapment"? The back-up is the first chapterof an all-new "Cabbie" story in which our naively heroic protagonist's fareturns out to be the disgraced President of the nation; the Cabbie, loyal to theend, tries to assist him in his flight out of the country, with the help of theCardinal who's said to have the inside track on being the next Pope... but anout-of-control gay parade, a garbage truck, and an infestation of lice abort theescape in a most disagreeable fashion.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Calvario Hills Vol. 1 (Ignatz)
Auteurs:Marti (Auteur)
Info:Fantagraphics Books (2007), Edition: volume 1, 32 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Calvario Hills Vol. 1 (Ignatz) par Marti


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Back in the 1980s, American comics aficionados were bowled over by thehardboiled Chester-Gould-on-crack stylings in the graphic novel TheCabbie courtesy of Spanish cartoonist Marti (who also made mind-blowingappearances in several anthologies, including RAW). Now, after a longdrought, Marti is finally back in the U.S.A. with a vengeance in the all-new"Ignatz" title Calvario Hills. The eponymous main story, set in anot-very-fictionalized American big city that mashes together elements ofChicago, New York, Los Angeles and Washington D.C., is a conspiracy fantasia inwhich the sinister NRA (spearheaded by Charlton "Preston") is attempting tosabotage the election to mayor of Marion "Parry," while an imprisoned gangsterkingpin, working the other side, schemes to enlist an army of crackheads to puthim over the top. Can you say... "entrapment"? The back-up is the first chapterof an all-new "Cabbie" story in which our naively heroic protagonist's fareturns out to be the disgraced President of the nation; the Cabbie, loyal to theend, tries to assist him in his flight out of the country, with the help of theCardinal who's said to have the inside track on being the next Pope... but anout-of-control gay parade, a garbage truck, and an infestation of lice abort theescape in a most disagreeable fashion.

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