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Mirror, Mirror: Classic SF by the Famed Star Trek and Fantastic Voyage Writer

par Jerome Bixby

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"...Breathtaking skill ... interesting dialogue, a carefully constructed story, and an appealing message. Bixby should be better known." -Gary WestfahlJerome Bixby (1923-1998) was a highly regarded professional science fiction magazine editor and writer remembered for his "yeoman work in raising the standards of the science fiction action story, whose own stories, though few, are much sought after by discriminating readers." (Science Fiction Stories, 1953). Mirror, Mirror, the first collection of Jerome Bixby's science fiction in nearly fifty years, showcases the best work from this motion picture and television writer's journeyman years as a pulp magazine writer.It features four stories made immortal by their adaptation for Star Trek and The Twilight Zone. Elements from two of these stories, "One-Way Street" and "Mirror, Mirror," were woven into Bixby's Hugo Award winning Star Trek episode, which gave birth to the evil mirror universe populated by sinister facsimiles of Kirk, Spock, the crew of the Enterprise, and the entire Federation. Another, "Cargo to Calisto", became the basis for the Star Trek episode "By Any Other Name". Meanwhile, "It's a Good Life" won immortality as an episode of the The Twilight Zone.Plus eleven more irresistible science fictional masterpieces from the pen of Jerome Bixby.Mirror, Mirror was edited, and is personally introduced, by his son, screenwriter and producer Emerson Bixby."Good entertainment." -Analog… (plus d'informations)

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"...Breathtaking skill ... interesting dialogue, a carefully constructed story, and an appealing message. Bixby should be better known." -Gary WestfahlJerome Bixby (1923-1998) was a highly regarded professional science fiction magazine editor and writer remembered for his "yeoman work in raising the standards of the science fiction action story, whose own stories, though few, are much sought after by discriminating readers." (Science Fiction Stories, 1953). Mirror, Mirror, the first collection of Jerome Bixby's science fiction in nearly fifty years, showcases the best work from this motion picture and television writer's journeyman years as a pulp magazine writer.It features four stories made immortal by their adaptation for Star Trek and The Twilight Zone. Elements from two of these stories, "One-Way Street" and "Mirror, Mirror," were woven into Bixby's Hugo Award winning Star Trek episode, which gave birth to the evil mirror universe populated by sinister facsimiles of Kirk, Spock, the crew of the Enterprise, and the entire Federation. Another, "Cargo to Calisto", became the basis for the Star Trek episode "By Any Other Name". Meanwhile, "It's a Good Life" won immortality as an episode of the The Twilight Zone.Plus eleven more irresistible science fictional masterpieces from the pen of Jerome Bixby.Mirror, Mirror was edited, and is personally introduced, by his son, screenwriter and producer Emerson Bixby."Good entertainment." -Analog

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