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Savarkar par Vikram Sampath

Savarkar (édition 2019)

par Vikram Sampath (Auteur)

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As the intellectual fountainhead of the ideology of Hindutva, which is in political ascendancy in India today, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar is undoubtedly one of the most contentious political thinkers and leaders of the twentieth century. Accounts of his eventful and stormy life have oscillated from eulogizing hagiographies to disparaging demonization. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in between and has unfortunately never been brought to light. Savarkar and his ideology stood as one of the strongest and most virulent opponents of Gandhi, his pacifist philosophy and the Indian National Congress. An alleged atheist and a staunch rationalist who opposed orthodox Hindu beliefs, encouraged inter-caste marriage and dining, and dismissed cow worship as mere superstition, Savarkar was, arguably, the most vocal political voice for the Hindu community through the entire course of India's freedom struggle. From the heady days of revolution and generating international support for the cause of India's freedom as a law student in London, Savarkar found himself arrested, unfairly tried for sedition, transported and incarcerated at the Cellular Jail, in the Andamans, for over a decade, where he underwent unimaginable torture. From being an optimistic advocate of Hindu-Muslim unity in his treatise on the 1857 War of Independence, what was it that transformed him in the Cellular Jail to a proponent of 'Hindutva', which viewed Muslims with suspicion? Drawing from a vast range of original archival documents across India and abroad, this biography in two parts-the first focusing on the years leading up to his incarceration and eventual release from the Kalapani-puts Savarkar, his life and philosophy in a new perspective and looks at the man with all his achievements and failings.… (plus d'informations)
Auteurs:Vikram Sampath (Auteur)
Info:India Viking (2019), Edition: 2019, 624 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Savarkar: Echoes from a Forgotten Past, 1883-1924 par Vikram Sampath


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Actuellement, il n'y a pas de discussions au sujet de ce livre.

The Book is thorough, well-written.

As I'm from Tamil Nadu. I took this work, to help me understand, figures outside of Tamil Nadu.

The Part, I liked -- the most, was 7 ways to mitigate Caste System.

My understanding of Caste System is from Tamil Nadu, India.

Therefore, it is interesting to read about other states.

This is coming from someone, who is a Hindu. I look into a Modern Indian, and not much has changed. Maybe -- I might be wrong?

It seems like there is slow change in Caste System, each generation reforms it a bit more than others.
I'd say, Social Conservatism, i.e the view that there is slow change in social structures.

At least, in Tamil Nadu anecdotally. I might be wrong, always welcome for feedback and correction.

As I've read enough History of India, from Historian perspective -- there's 3-4 narratives of Indian History.

Good luck on finding the most accurate one. If you are serious, do put effort to figure it out, and stick with, what's True.

Depending on your values, who you align, you'd align yourself with any of the narrative of Indian History.

I would recommend this work for:

1) Follows Hinduism
2) Wants to build Political Philosophy from Hinduism
-If so, please expand inclusiveness, which is excellent point in Hinduism
3) Biographies
4) Caste System in Hinduism (Chapter 12 only)
5) Interested in India, Politics

Unfortunately, I don't see how this is relevant to Tamil People.

If you disagree, feel free to write to me.

Deus Vult,
Gottfried ( )
  gottfried_leibniz | Jun 25, 2021 |
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As the intellectual fountainhead of the ideology of Hindutva, which is in political ascendancy in India today, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar is undoubtedly one of the most contentious political thinkers and leaders of the twentieth century. Accounts of his eventful and stormy life have oscillated from eulogizing hagiographies to disparaging demonization. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in between and has unfortunately never been brought to light. Savarkar and his ideology stood as one of the strongest and most virulent opponents of Gandhi, his pacifist philosophy and the Indian National Congress. An alleged atheist and a staunch rationalist who opposed orthodox Hindu beliefs, encouraged inter-caste marriage and dining, and dismissed cow worship as mere superstition, Savarkar was, arguably, the most vocal political voice for the Hindu community through the entire course of India's freedom struggle. From the heady days of revolution and generating international support for the cause of India's freedom as a law student in London, Savarkar found himself arrested, unfairly tried for sedition, transported and incarcerated at the Cellular Jail, in the Andamans, for over a decade, where he underwent unimaginable torture. From being an optimistic advocate of Hindu-Muslim unity in his treatise on the 1857 War of Independence, what was it that transformed him in the Cellular Jail to a proponent of 'Hindutva', which viewed Muslims with suspicion? Drawing from a vast range of original archival documents across India and abroad, this biography in two parts-the first focusing on the years leading up to his incarceration and eventual release from the Kalapani-puts Savarkar, his life and philosophy in a new perspective and looks at the man with all his achievements and failings.

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